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Films show the chaos of rain in the United States

The United States has experienced heavy monsoon rains.

At least one person died.

The footage shows torrential rain and a hurricane moving into Colorado.

Heavy monsoon rains United States of America Many cities, including Missouri, have been affected by the floods.

The storm began on Monday and intensified overnight and Tuesday morning.

At least one person died in the monsoon after being lowered from a submerged vehicle.

More than 70 people have been rescued in the area.

Now we see how water causes problems for buildings. We also have a lot of damage to the roof, says Fire Chief Dennis Jenkerson.

Tornado over Colorado

More than 200 millimeters of rain was measured, according to NBC. Many roads were closed and Maryland Heights residents were advised to avoid travel during the storm. A video clip shows heavy rain and vehicles stranded on the road.

I carried my three dogs, my three children and my wife, a resident told CNN.

Another resident described the area as a river.

I haven’t seen anything like this in the four years I’ve lived here.

The videos also show a tornado moving into Colorado and cars, almost completely underwater, traveling through floods in Missouri.

At least one person died due to the monsoon rains.

Abandoned cars along a highway in Missouri.

Study: Nine times more common

A study last year found that the risks of deadly floods and torrential rains that hit parts of Europe last year, including Germany and Belgium, increase ninefold due to climate change.

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When waters swept away homes and roads last July, at least 190 people died in western Germany and 40 people died in Belgium.

Thousands of people were forced to flee their homes.