The rush in Final Fantasy XIV Online has been so great lately that sales had to stop.
Leipzig – The rush was so great that drastic steps had to be taken.
There is fun: newcomers will soon be able to return to the world of “Final Fantasy XIV”. © Square Enix
It looks good at first: a new expansion of the game appears and suddenly the number of players explodes again.
In the case of “Final Fantasy XIV Online” and the new DLC “Endwalker”, demand was so high shortly after release that servers were overloaded. Anyone who wants to gamble ends up in queues with up to 5,000 others.
To fix the problem, developer and publisher Square Enix decided to stop selling. As “Buffed” reports, no physical, digital, or full Starter release has been offered since mid-December. It is also said that the Japanese company has discontinued the registration for the free trial.
Meanwhile, according to “Gamespot,” the rush should have calmed down a bit. So much so that Square Enix has now decided to end the sales freeze.
Starting January 25, Final Fantasy XIV Online will be available again.
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