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Fireball in the sky last night – seen in both Sweden and Norway

Fireball in the sky last night – seen in both Sweden and Norway

At 1 am, a bright light appeared in the sky over both Norway and Sweden. She wrote that many saw this phenomenon and the police were called in Oslo with advice Norwegian newspaper VG.

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The SOS alert in Sweden also received calls about the phenomenon of light.

– We’ve had calls that you’ve seen a glow in the sky, yes, that’s what Anna-Lena Olin says in SOS Alarm.

However, she has no idea how many calls there are.

Aftonbladet writes Flaps heard it with notes from Munkedal, Dalarna, Värmland, Närke, Sörmland, Uppland and Östergötland.

– It was a big orange object that fell into the sky for maybe five or six seconds. Then it flashed several times and the whole sky melted, as someone in Mendel told the newspaper.

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It’s about a fallen meteorite, according to Norwegian meteorite expert Morten Billett. He lives outside Oslo and was sitting outside at night when he saw the light and the noise.

– Then I immediately understood that it was a space stone, he says.

Among other things, he co-founded the Norwegian Meteor Network, which has films and photos of the event. He’s seen meteors before.

– But not that strong with light and sound.

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He says that many have heard of his observations. Some people were a little worried.

– But that’s not usually a dangerous thing, says Morten Billett.

It is believed that the stone may have weighed a few kilograms and appears to have fallen somewhere outside Oslo. Now the network will come out and see if they can find it. But it can be tricky, partly because large parts of it may have burned up in the atmosphere, and partly because it probably crashed at high speed in a deserted forest area.

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