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Fort Boyard: How Production Discovered Vincent’s Worst Phobia (Koh Lanta)

Fort Boyard: How Production Discovered Vincent’s Worst Phobia (Koh Lanta)

after, after Koh Lanta, Secret Weapons, Vincent returned to the small screen in boyar castle, Aired on Saturday 14th August. During the recording, he faced his greatest fear. And for good reason, the production was known for its phobias.

Viewers discover Vincent Blair in the final season of Koh Lantatitled secret weapons. Show how the candidate distinguished himself with his funny (and indeed cult) lines and sometimes intriguing strategies. Saturday 14th August, they will find it in Boyar Castle, with Dave, Paul El Kharrat, Elsa Fire, Jeremy Ferrero, and Karen Tesander playing on the Frederic Gillan Foundation. for the adventurous, The photo session was a (very) trying. In particular, he faced one of his biggest fears… insects. Vertigo is good. But I do not like everything from insects… It’s not really delirious.”, explained in an interview with TV entertainment, adding: “I had some on Koh Lanta, but it was less. There, I was served during the auditions. I wasn’t ready for it!” Vincent remarkably encountered many animals at the Père Fourras Spa, It was not easy for him. “Oh my God! It was complicated and hard to manage. It was an experience we’re going to say…”

Vincent (Koh Lanta): “They brought out the thing during Boyar Castle”

But how did production know that Vincent’s weak point was bugs? just because Boyar Castle It is produced by the same company as Koh Lanta… And that the candidate had revealed his greatest phobia.

“During the castings at Koh-Lanta, we talk about these things. So I told them…and they highlighted the thing during Fort Boyard”explained Vincent, who was still at Télé-Loisirs. But without hard feelings: “It’s well thought out!”, I acknowledge. And viewers will not complain!

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