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Frank and Elk Vosbroech reckon with jungle camp – people

Frank and Elk Vosbroech reckon with jungle camp – people

There is no real-life TV family in Germany more legendary than the Vossbruichs. At the age of eleven, Frank Vosbroech (53 years old) posed for the first time in front of the camera in the form of a “kids room”. This was followed by “Die Fussbroichs” which was shown on WDR from 1989 onwards. It was considered the first German television documentary soap.

Since the end of 2001, Frank Vosbroech has been repeatedly seen on Trash TV. Among other things, he participated in such shows as “Das Sommerhaus der Stars” (RTL) and the Great Forest Show (RTL).

In a BILD interview, Frank and his wife, Elke Fussbroich, 54, now tell why The Jungle Show was the most boring filming ever — and what they had up against moderators Sonja Zietlow and Daniel Hartwich.

After the Jungle Show in 2021, calm reigned around Frank and Elk Vosbroech. But the spouses do not regret it – on the contrary.

“Even if we don’t do TV right now, we don’t miss it. The concept of TV shows has changed for the worse in the past few years, which is why we pulled off a bit for the first time.”

They are particularly outraged by the new behaviors of the new reality TV stars: “It has become so antisocial for us. If you say, ‘Good morning,’ it is nowadays: ‘Good morning, you idiot.'”

Frank Vosbroech explains to BILD reporter Tom Zinram why he no longer finds current reality formats so exciting

Frank Vosbroech (left) explains to BILD reporter Tom Zinram why he no longer finds current reality TV formats so exciting. Photo: special

At first something like this is still very funny because it’s new and you don’t know it yet. But when it becomes a habit and goes below the belt, it is no longer entertaining. You have to do some action, but it should still be of high quality.

Frank to Bild: “We can’t be that simple and we don’t want to either. We also like to cause trouble and controversy in front of the camera, but everything has to be done with class and a certain entertainment value.”

Reality TV stars today lack personality

Frank Vosbroech and Elke agree that they want to keep their character: “We’ve always attracted attention because of our individuality, which is why we also managed to pick ‘Summer House of Stars’ and wanted to get the production straight into the show. However, we always stayed grounded.”

However, the problem with ZTV stars in the current reality is that they feel like big stars right from the start. According to the Fussbroichs, they have great bodies and pretty faces, but they haven’t achieved anything in their lives.

“Most of them are not experienced and don’t know how to present yourself to the public. You are busy just looking at yourself in the mirror to see if the hairstyle is still in place. There is nothing natural about that.”

For example, they cited the handsome Mike Heater (29). “He’s a sweet, pretty boy, but you can’t really talk to him. Something like that is boring for the viewer. Because of that choice, the viewers finally stop because there’s nothing interesting to say.”

Mike Heater Is Heartbroken: But The Entertainment Engine Doesn't Really Want To Fire Up, According To Fussbroichs

Mike Heater is a heartthrob. But the entertainment engine isn’t really blazing, according to Fussbroichs Photo: RTLZWEI / Karl Vandenhole

According to reality TV star Mike Seas (33 years old), the only sexy character on the show was in “Summer House of the Stars”.

For his wife, Michelle, the performance was more than uncomfortable, but he was confident in the broadcast. If he had not been there, the Fussbroichs would have closed down.

Fussbroichs account of the forest view

Jungle Show was the most boring portrayal of Frank ever. She sat all day indoors with two other people trying to kill time. snoring!

Moderators Sonia Zittlow and Daniel Hartwich are very popular because of their quotes.  But that doesn't go well with everyone

Moderators Sonia Zittlow and Daniel Hartwich are very popular because of their quotes. But that doesn’t go well with everyone Photo: dpa

Frank: “You sit on a plank from morning to evening and the bush exam doesn’t take place until about one in the morning. We were only allowed to sleep from four in the morning until eight. And then the crap started again. You keep thinking, When will this shit be over!” ”

Because of the jungle show experience, the “real” jungle camp was no longer an option for him. Also because he doesn’t like mediators Sonia Zetlow (53) and Daniel Hartwich (43). why is that?!

He said, “The two kept beating around me because of the dark rims of my eyes. It’s part of the show somewhere, but they always pick a victim that they can expose in front of the whole of Germany every time!”

Elke also found the psychics’ sayings completely wrong. “There were other things that didn’t work for me. And if you always drag someone through cocoa, that’s bullying for me and I find it impossible.”

For now, the couple has had enough of TV for now. She is currently not focused on television, but on her successful career. Both of them are starting to sing now and there will be a duet with them soon.

Elk with a wink: “That was Frank’s idea. Then we covered a song with Jared Jacobs. We’re really ready for it.”

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