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From March, a change in the level of terrestrial television.  Beware of scam sellers

From March, a change in the level of terrestrial television. Beware of scam sellers

In March 2022, a new standard for terrestrial television was introduced – DVB-T2 / HEVC. This standard is valid in many countries of the European Union. The change will be implemented in phases, from March to June, depending on the county.

The changes will not apply to cable and satellite receivers.

Many customers need new devices

For many viewers, this means the need to purchase a new set-top box or TV. The Institute of Communications, making the transition to a higher level, reminds buyers to pay attention to equipment standards when choosing new equipment. To comply with the new requirements, devices must support the DVB-T2 / HEVC standard. While in large chain stores we are unlikely to come across models that are incompatible with them, it may be different when buying on a second hand.

– The problem may arise if we want to buy equipment on online shopping platforms – new or used. There you can find offers for TVs and receivers that receive a DVB-T2 signal, but do not support the new type of image coding – HEVC (or H.265/MPEG-H). This receiver or tuner may become useless next year and should not be purchased in the face of a change in the standard – warns the Communications Institute.

The institute also warns that in the coming months the growing interest in DVB-T2 devices may also attempt to take advantage of dishonest sellers. “You should be especially careful about offers of televisions and digital receivers at suspiciously low prices. Taking advantage of this exceptionally attractive opportunity, within a few months we may deprive ourselves of access to our favorite channels “- the statement reads.

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When is the standard change?

TV transmitters serving individual regions of the country will be converted to DVB-T2 / HEVC according to the established schedule:

  • March 28, 2022 – in the Lubuskie and Dolnośląskie regions,
  • April 25, 2022 – in the Zachodniopomorskie, Pomorskie, Wielkopolskie and Kujawsko-Pomorskie regions,
  • May 23, 2022 – in the following regions: وودód, Opolsky, سwitokrzyskie, Olsky, Malopolsky, Podkarpacy,
  • June 27, 2022 – in the Warmensko-Mazursky, Podlasky, Mazowiecki and Lubelsky regions.

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