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‘Grey’s Anatomy’ fans lost him due to a possible change in Meredith’s future – Marseille News

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ fans lost him due to a possible change in Meredith’s future – Marseille News

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ fans lost him due to a possible change in Meredith’s future – Marseille News

Grey’s Anatomy is back Thursday night, and fans are already thinking about how Meredith’s final arc will play out. While there is definitely a love triangle on the horizon, fans are concerned that Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) is planning to release her from Gray Sloan Memorial. After seeing a vision of her mother calling her “normal” again, Meredith was offered a new career path thanks to guest star Peter Gallagher.

Dr. Hamilton (Gallager) is an old friend of his mother and suggests Meredith create the Gray Center for Medical Research. Hamilton expresses interest in doing an in-depth study of Parkinson’s disease, which will likely give her the opportunity to do the Alzheimer’s disease research she’s been dreaming of for years. The only problem is that the center is in Minnesota. With her eventually turning down the job, Hamilton and her patience will surely come back.

Pompeo recently hinted that Grey’s Anatomy may be ending sooner rather than later — eighteen seasons is certainly a long time in the tooth — and fans on Twitter have lost their minds about Meredith leaving. Definitely Gray Sloan Memorial. One fan tweeted: “Meredith… you better not leave Gray Sloan.” “NOPE NOPE NOPE, I refuse to believe Meredith could consider leaving the gray logo,” another tweeted.

“Minnesota brings together Gray Sloan surgeons, first Christina, and now Meredith,” one fan tweeted, remembering season nine. “Wait…is he trying to steal Meredith from Gray Sloan?” Another angry spectator wrote.

“This lab is yours, Meredith. If you want it.” PLOT TWIST,” another excited model tweeted.

Another viewer said, “If Meredith is leaving Gray Sloan, this is definitely the last season.” “I’m convinced Meredith is in the hospital in Minnesota where Christina worked as an Easter egg…” another detective tweeted online.

“Oh my God, they offered Meredy with his own research center?!?! Gray Research Center!!! Oh my God,” another fan tweeted. “Okay, maybe now Meredith will understand Derek a little better because she’s getting exactly the same show he got!!! …” Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. ET on ABC.

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