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Highway S7 Napierki – Płońsk – more kilometers opened

Highway S7 Napierki – Płońsk – more kilometers opened

More than 10 km of the second motorway of the S7 motorway on the Napierki – Mława section has been provided for traffic. The Directorate General of National Roads and Highways has reported that on Friday drivers will gain another 2 km in the Pieńki – Płońsk section: from Pawłów to the Dłużniewo junction.

From Thursday, S7 drivers have two lanes at their disposal from the border of the Varminsko-Mazursky and Mazowiecki regions to the vicinity of Buffalo before Pollensk. Its total length is 60 km.

More kilometers from the S7 between Napierki and Płońsk

As reported by Olsztyn GDDKiA, from Friday this section will be extended by 2 km to the Dłużniewo Junction. Another facility for drivers is to cancel the detours taking place so far along collective roads and to redirect traffic behind the Dłużniewo junction to Płońsk to the left lane of the main road.

– These changes in traffic regulation will facilitate the journey between Trieste and Warsaw, and drivers will have at their disposal 62 kilometers of the new road in a dual carriageway system and 9 kilometers with traffic on a single carriageway. Both routes will be available in the second half of August, said Carol Gubocki, Olsztyn GDDKiA spokesperson.

As he pointed out, making S7 partitions available for traffic doesn’t mean the end of business. The movement will follow a temporary organization. The speed limit will be 80 km / h on the dual carriageway and 60 km / h on the single carriageway.

– We will implement the targeted traffic organization gradually in the months of September and October of this year. He added that we appeal to drivers to comply with the applicable traffic regulation.

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The investment involving the construction of 71 km of the S7 motorway was divided into four sections: Naberki – Mowa (about 14 km), Mowa – Strzego (about 21.5 km), Strzegowo – Pieńki (about 22 km) and Pieńki – Płońsk (about 13.7 how much). An investment is made in the design and construction system. The task of the contractors selected in the bid, prior to commencement of construction, was to prepare building designs and submit applications for a Road Investment Permit (ZRID).

Highway S7, section Napierki – PłońskJedkia

Construction work began in three sections from Mława to Płońsk in the fall of 2019, while in the Napierki – Mława section in the spring of 2020. The investment includes the construction of a highway with a double-lane cross-section along with the construction of service roads, the renovation of selected local roads, the construction of engineering structures and environmental protection devices .

As part of the investment, there are, among others, 70 engineering structures and 10 nodes: Mława Północ, Mława Wschód, Mława Południe, Żurominek, Strzegowo Północ, Strzegowo Południe, Glinojeck, Pieńki Rzewińskie and Dłużniewo. There are also four passenger service areas (MOP): Pepłowo I, Pepłowo II, Ćwiklinek and Dłużniewo. The road surface will be made of cement concrete and adapted to traffic with a pavement load of 11.5 tons per axle.

The total cost of the investment is 1.6 billion PLN. The contractor for the three divisions is STRABAG Consortium and STRABAG Infrastruktura Południe, which is building the Strzegowo – Pieńki division for PLN 516.2 million, the Pieńki division – Płońsk for PLN 311.7 million, and the Naberki-Mooi division for PLN 294.7 million. The contractor for the Mława – Strzegowo division is a consortium of PORR and PORR Bau. The contract value is 446.1 million PLN.

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Main image source: GDDKiA / Krzysztof Naliwajko