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Historically: Kevin McCarthy didn’t get enough votes

Historically: Kevin McCarthy didn’t get enough votes

The opening of the United States Congress begins in disarray as right-wing extremists put sticks in the wheels of McCarthy’s plan to take over the House of Representatives.

As the newly elected Republican majority leader in the House of Representatives, McCarthy almost wrote himself for the role.

But on Tuesday’s first ballot, he only managed to muster 203 of the 218 votes he needed to be elected.

Historical vote

According to the regulations, if the House cannot agree on a speaker, the House of Representatives must conduct new votes. This hasn’t happened since 1923 – making Tuesday’s vote historic.

A new vote was quickly arranged—and it was clear early on that even then McCarthy would not get enough votes. To date, he has received 203 votes.

Same score after the third round – no win for McCarthy. Instead, one vote less, 202, according to NBC.

According to sources CNN McCarthy’s opponents are now discussing postponing the election. It would take 218 votes and therefore would need the support of the Democrats.

The resistance is within us

McCarthy faced resistance within his own ranks — from some loyal members of former President Donald Trump’s conservative Freedom Caucus. The group believes McCarthy is neither conservative nor tough enough to fight the Democrats.

Despite attempts to win them over to his side — even Trump threw his support behind it — McCarthy was unsuccessful.

The election of Speaker of the House could turn into a protracted battle that divides Republicans and weakens the party leadership. In addition, the council cannot carry out other business before the election of the chairman of the council is completed.

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– This is about something much more important than a person. Former Republican leader Doug Haye said before Tuesday’s vote that it was a matter of whether Republicans would be able to govern.

You can’t stand enemies

Normally a majority of the 435 members of the House of Representatives, or 218 votes, is required for the position of Speaker. With a slim majority of 222 seats, McCarthy could only stomach a few enemies. However, the Speaker could win by as few as 218 votes—as did Pelosi and Republican John Boehner—if some members were absent, for example.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives is elected at the beginning of each session of Congress every two years.