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How is the scandal distributed on International Women’s Day?

How is the scandal distributed on International Women’s Day?

The WhatsApp It is one of the applications where a large amount of virtual scams are going on, especially for personal data theft on important dates like the approaching Women’s Day.

With more than 2 billion users around the world, The WhatsApp It is one of the applications preferred by cybercriminals to carry out this type of crime.

The consequences, if you give in to these tricks, are usually serious since Personal data theft It means a privacy leak that also often leads to economic losses.

WhatsApp is a breeding ground for scammers.

WhatsApp is a breeding ground for scammers.

How is the WhatsApp scam for Women’s Day

Through a personal message, victims receive a message with women’s day greetings and attach an invitation to participate in a game in which coffee is the first prize. Nespresso.

To participate, victims are invited to fill out a form that is accessed through a link that leads to a fake web page.

he was there, The form must be completed with personal datathe real target of cybercriminals, as the prize does not exist and the game is a scam.

Finally, what the crooks request is that once the form is completed, it must be shared with ten personal contacts. This ensures the continuity of data theft.

Through a personal message, the victims receive a message of greeting on the occasion of Women's Day.

Through a personal message, the victims receive a message of greeting on the occasion of Women’s Day.

Recommendations against WhatsApp scam

The The National Cyber ​​Security Institute of Spain, one of the countries most exposed to fraud, followed the steps of the link that led to the supposed game. Experts noted that as soon as the link provided is entered, a false website is opened which, to verify this, the Nespresso logo is highly visible. This would give him a certain health as she was pretending to be the sponsor of the contest.

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Also on the site is a Nespresso coffee machine that serves as the main hook in the trap. After completing the questionnaire, a message appears reading that the person has three chances to win a cup of coffee and that, to do so, he must choose from 9 boxes displayed on the screen.

Once one of these objects is selected, the site warns the user that the user has failed and that they must try again. After the second attempt, a new message is thrown confirming this The person who got the highest award: Nespresso machine.

To participate, victims are invited to fill out a form that is accessed through a link that leads to a fake web page.

To participate, victims are invited to fill out a form that is accessed through a link that leads to a fake website.

A coffee pot as a decoy

From that moment on, another stage of the trap begins as this is confirmed winnerto claim the prize, you must send the contest link to other people.

Later, he was asked to complete another survey, in which the victim could receive another supposed prize of close to a thousand dollars. Again, the person is asked to enter their personal data into a new web form.

Cyber ​​security experts from both Spain and MexicoAnd from other Latin American countries, where this virtual theft is common, they have not yet been able to determine the origin of the scam.

The scheme and objectives of the fraud are known, it is the personal data that is then sold. In addition, the data can provide access to the bank accounts of those affected.