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Inflation “slightly raised”, the best situation after the split

Inflation “slightly raised”, the best situation after the split

As mentioned The current economic situation is “as good as it was after the secession.”. According to Glapiński, Poland has the first major dynamics among the largest emerging countries out of crisis. – This is approximately 5 percent dynamics. GDP growth, he said. – We left with economic growth after the epidemic. We control the situation and it is balanced – he said. – If anyone questions the economic miracle of Poland, let him show another country with better results – he added.

– This is not any high inflation, super inflation; Such terms are completely different. There is increased inflation and this applies to almost the entire world – Glapiński said. However, Glapiński admitted that it was “slightly elevated”. [7,7 proc. w listopadzie 2021 roku wobec celu NBP wynoszącego 2,5 proc. – przyp. red.]. In his opinion, it will be the same in the first quarter. 2022, then it should decrease. Throughout the year, he said, “our inflation target will be higher than the upper deflection target.” It could only be normal next year – though I’m not sure about that either – he said.

– I guarantee you Inflation is our main concern. Ours, but also the government. We will do everything we can to keep inflation as low as possible and as soft as possible. According to our current estimates, it will fall after Q1 and it will not be very painful, although it will be 5% – NBP leader Adam Klabiski said on Wednesday.

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