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Joholt: “Back to Sweden as soon as possible”

Joholt: “Back to Sweden as soon as possible”

Several countries have imposed travel restrictions to South Africa and other neighboring countries in an effort to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus omicron.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are about 4,000 Swedes in South African countries, most of them in South Africa. At the moment, there are no travel tips for traveling to countries in South Africa, but the situation may change.

“Several countries have suspended flights from South Africa and neighboring countries and it is difficult to predict what further measures of this kind can be taken. We therefore recommend that Swedes in the region follow the development closely and review home travel opportunities in consultation with their tour operator and their insurance company. Be good to read and follow local bases immediately,” State Department Press Secretary John Ronson wrote in an email to SVT.

According to the Foreign Ministry, it is not appropriate to evacuate any Swedes from the area.

individual feeling

Sweden’s ambassador to South Africa, Håkan Goholt, believes there is despair and anger in the country over its classification as responsible for the new virus boom.

After news of the new omikron viral mutation began to spread, several Swedes living in South Africa contacted the embassy for information.

Many European countries are still open, so many Swedes have rebooked and come home early precisely because they don’t want to be stuck here, he says.

On Sunday, he sharpened the message, telling TT:

– The traveler is responsible for rebooking his flights. There are absolutely no plans to arrange return trips. The message is very clear: if you’ve traveled here on vacation, do whatever you can to get back to Sweden as soon as possible.

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There are no cases in Sweden

According to him, the embassy is trying to help as much as possible, among other things, by trying to find other alternative ways to get back home, but he also stresses that it is the responsibility of every traveler to stay informed.

According to the Swedish Public Health Agency, there was no confirmed case of the new viral mutation on Saturday afternoon.