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Maersk launches new service to connect Asia with Europe

Maersk launches new service to connect Asia with Europe

With this new marine rail offering through Central Asia, the company seeks to alleviate existing logistical problems.

AP Moller – Maersk has announced the launch of a new rail service to connect Asia to Europe via Central Asia, with which it seeks to offer its customers a solution in the face of current logistical problems and changing supply chain needs.

The Danish company has revealed that this new marine railway offering will depart from various places in China and that its multimodal connection includes Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Romania, on a journey that will take about 40 days to Europe.

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Maersk added that the pass has sufficient open capacity, allowing its customers to enhance the resilience of their supply chain, by having an alternative route for marine and air services.

“Aiming to create agile and innovative solutions to our customers’ changing needs, this revamped service comes at the perfect time to help mitigate current logistical issues. We have listened to our customers and developed a solution that provides them with an environmentally friendly alternative multimedia connection between Asia and Europe,” said Maya Barlagashvili, Global Product Manager. For Transcontinental Rail in Maersk: “More than 90% of rail service in the Middle Corridor is electrified.”

The company explained, via a statement, that after crossing the Khorgos border between China and Kazakhstan, the containers arrive by rail at Aktau station, where they are loaded by ships to Baku in Azerbaijan.

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From there, the containers are transported by rail to APM Terminals Poti in Georgia, where they are loaded onto a feeder vessel to Constanta, Romania. After that, the goods are transported by rail to various destinations in European countries.

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Maersk began developing this new road in March, and as early as April, it had left China for the first time to serve customers in the lifestyle, automobile and home appliance industries.

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