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Med Gala 2022: Emily Radhajkovsky Only on Pebbles!  Versace Creativity Revealed It All!

Med Gala 2022: Emily Radhajkovsky Only on Pebbles! Versace Creativity Revealed It All!

With KalaAlso known as the “Fashion Oscar”, it’s an event that celebrities prepare for months. On this one evening, meticulously selected stars can wear the luxurious outfits of the biggest fashion house.

This year’s theme is American Fashion History. Some approached the matter directly – Q.Im Kardashian, after great sacrifices, lost 7 kg and got stuck in the original Marilyn Monroe costume.

It also turns out that Emily Radhajkovsky has reached antiquity. The star presented itself In Versace development, it was first introduced in showrooms in 1992. There is no denying that it causes an electrified feeling like it was 30 years ago!

Three decades ago, one of Kiyani’s favorites – Yasmeen Gauri – presented it on the catwalk. This time it was Emily Radhajkovsky who played this honorable role. It can not be overlooked that the model is not afraid to show off her beauty.

Luxuriously decorated The front of the dress made of multi-colored chains and pebbles revealed a lot. However, not everyone appreciates the fashion that existed 30 years ago. Critics have accused Emily’s work of being stylized in Rio de Janeiro’s atmosphere and of not fitting into the theme of the event.

However, it must be admitted that the model was pleased with its appearance! How did you like it?

Emily Radhajkovsky is an American model and actress. At the age of 14 a celebrity signed her first modeling contract. However, his participation in Robin Dick’s “Blurred Lines” music video is the biggest recognition.

Four years ago, she married model actor Sebastian Pierre-McLard. The couple had a son, Sylvester Apollo.

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