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Media law.  Suzuki: There is no strong media to support the government

Media law. Suzuki: There is no strong media to support the government

– Unfortunately, there is no balance in the media in Poland. There is no strong media supporting the government. It can be said that today there is little representation of this section of the society that does not accept the left-liberal tendency, said Marek Suzuki, who argued that changes in the law were needed.

See: Media Law adopted by Sejm. Demonstrations throughout Poland

– The rules do not completely eliminate any television. This is an overstatement. These rules state that there must be foreign media in Poland, which must comply with Polish law – this is how Suzuki refers to media law. With the votes of MPs Sejm, PiS, Kukiz’15 and Łukasz Mejza, the Senate rejected the veto against him, so the bill would go to the president.

The veto on media law was rejected

The law provides for stricter and clearer rules that have been in place since 2004, according to which the ownership of a foreign or non-European owner of a Polish-licensed television or radio station may not exceed 49%, which requires changes in the ownership structure. , For example, TVN TV.

Video: Marek Suzuki mentions protests over media law

– At the time of the acquisition of Discovery TVN, such an arrangement, which accounted for more than 50% of the European economy, was in operation. There is a rule in the purchase agreement that indicates the risk of avoiding this provision – continued the PiS politician.

Demonstration against media law

Over the weekend, protests against media law took place throughout Poland. In Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście, Donald Dusk quoted Czesław Miłosz as saying: “Do not be safe, the poet remembers. You can kill him, the newborn will be born. Winter is best for you. He said the words placed at the memorial of the shipwreck workers who fell in Gdańsk will be dedicated to the current authorities today.

– Maybe Dusk was talking about himself, I do not know what he said. I feel this is another joke of the Dusk and the entire opposition who wanted to overthrow the regime by force during the coup on December 16 (2016) – Suzuki, commenting on the PO leader’s speech.

America’s reaction

Charge d’Affaires USA in the Republic of Poland, Pix Aliu commented on the CEM decision regarding media law.

“The United States is deeply disappointed with the adoption of today’s media bill by the Polish parliament. We expect President Duda to act in accordance with previous announcements to use his leadership to protect freedom of speech and economic activity,” he wrote.

Grzegorz Kępka asked Marek Suski if the media law would affect relations with the United States.

– Yes, the United States protects the interests of its companies, but we have good relations, and I emphasize partnership. Among partners, a company, other than the rules in a given country, explicitly seeks the support of the United States, which supports their companies, but I hope they do not support those companies that are ignored. Restrictions on their partner countries – said the vice chairman of the culture committee.

Opposition skepticism about the rule of law

On Friday, the Left announced that it was going to submit a statement to the Attorney General’s Office on Culture and the Media Committee Chairman Piotr Babinets (PiS) and Vice President Marek Suzuki. According to Christoph Kawkowski, president of the Left Club, the delegates violated Sejm’s rules regarding the procedure for convening the commission.

The panel met in connection with a Senate resolution rejecting the Broadcasting Amendment. Delegates must be notified of the meeting 24 minutes before the start of the meeting – such information was provided by Jonah Scuring-Wilkes from the left. – This is contrary to art. 152 of Sejm Rules – he said Friday.

See: Media Law. THE PRESIDENT: I ​​will examine her carefully

Section 152 deals with the dates of meetings of Parliamentary Committees. Point 5, “At least 3 days prior to the Committee meeting, in accordance with the terms and practice set forth by the Presidium of the Sejm, the Committee members shall be notified as a result of the decisions taken at the meeting. Sejm’s”. According to Marek Suski, he did not violate the law, as he spoke during the committee’s report in Sejm on Friday before the vote on the media law.

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