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Michelle Faith and Silverio burst into tears in “Las Estrellas bailan en Hoy”

Michelle Faith and Silverio burst into tears in “Las Estrellas bailan en Hoy”

After her problematic post, Michelle Faith became the first to receive a perfect score (Image: @programa_hoy/Twitter)
After her problematic post, Michelle Faith became the first to receive a perfect score (Image: @programa_hoy/Twitter)

The week started with Galilea Montejo absent from hosting “Las Estrellas Bilan en Huy”.He was replaced by Raúl Ariza and Arrath de la Torre. Together, remember that Laura Pozzo and Raul Sandoval left last Friday.

The first couple to captivate judges with sensuality lambda It was made up of Ximena Córdoba and Raúl Coronado. During rehearsals, dancers commented on this The charges were complicated because they were not well coordinated. even in, They were injured because the man from Guadalajara was shot in the wrist while the Colombian felt a rib.

The model stated that this dance was challenging due to the sensual movements that characterize this genre. He said he was doing his best but was aware that he still couldn’t move his hips as expected. Ximena stated that she knows how important the movements are because last week “La Juez de Hierro” criticized Marisol González for not doing well..

Annette Michele replaces Galilea Montejo in the morning shot: Twitter
Annette Michele replaces Galilea Montejo in the morning shot: Twitter

Initially, The couple surprised with a short capoeira show The Colombian moved some fabric with her hands while the actor from Guadalajara showed a few steps of capoeira. With aquamarine suits they performed their dance that culminated in 24 points.

The judges’ comments were positive and praised for the performance. Latin Lover commented that he realized they weren’t comfortable With this type because they tried not to stick too much but he said it still works well.

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Lolita Cortez congratulated them for trying something new in their presentationn, because capoeira gave him another point of view. However, He caught Ximena’s attention because he just kept smiling and didn’t get involved in acting with your partner.

as justification, Ximena explained to them that she doesn’t feel very comfortable dancing this type and that had it not been for the fact that she already knew Raul, she wouldn’t have dared to do it because of “friction”.

Michelle Faith and Silverio were the next to hit the center of the track in freestyle. The couple wore a black wardrobe with golden sparkles. they moved With classic tango steps and they did some great loads, they won the show.

It causes me a constant smile (…) I’m a fan of it . Andrea Legarreta said when he made his comments. latin lover I found a flaw in its display, because He said the charge looked good but that “a lot of people sate.”However, he realized that they dared to do so.

The “Iron Judge” commented that the dance made her unable to move. The famous dancer was shocked by all the loads they did, especially when Michelle surrounded her companion’s body from head to toe. ‘It looked like an amusement park’ Legarreta completed.

Curtis expressed his appreciation for the efforts made and sympathized with the couple due to their exhaustion and pain They said they felt after rehearsals. Fortunately, all the comments were positive and Points distribution started with 10 by a driver Today.

continued ex fighterwho despite his loaded criticisms, He also gave them 10. Worry, Both dancers waited for Lolita’s last words, Because they know their qualifications are usually tougher but they have hope to surface.

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a) yes, Lolita Curtis wowed her first 10 ever in the competition. however, Michelle Feith and Silverio became the first pair to achieve the perfect qualification with 30 points. The actress thanked all the audience who supported her and dedicated her victory to them.

Read on:

Annette Michel in “Hoy”: former TV Azteca presenter replaces Galilea Montijo
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After weeks of controversy, they expelled Laura Pozzo and Raul Sandoval from “Las Estrellas Bilan en Huy”