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Mon Ange: “Formidable Muriel Robin”, “Dialogues are full of clichés” … What do the press think of the TF1 miniseries?  TV news series

Mon Ange: “Formidable Muriel Robin”, “Dialogues are full of clichés” … What do the press think of the TF1 miniseries? TV news series

Mon Ange: “Formidable Muriel Robin”, “Dialogues are full of clichés” … What do the press think of the TF1 miniseries?  TV news series

Yesterday evening, TF1 launched “Mon Ange”, its exciting new event led by Muriel Robin, Marilou Berry, and Patrick Chesnais. Was the press convinced by this mini-series in four episodes against the background of his disappearance?

Portée par Muriel Robin et Marilou Berry, Mon Ange, la nouvelle mini-série événement de TF1, raconte l’histoire de Suzanne Brunet, une femme qui n’a cessé de chercher sa fille Julie, disparue sans laisser de traces il ya huit . One day, a photo in an old newspaper article leads her to a village where she will do everything, run everything, only to find out what really happened to Julie.

For its launch this Thursday on the front page, the creation of Négar Djavadi (The First Forgotten) has allowed the channel to position itself at the head of the masses by bringing together an average of 4.78 million curious people according to Médiamétrie. for an audience share of 24.6% for the general public and 19.6% for women in charge of purchases under 50 (FRDA-50).

So, if viewers seem caught up in Muriel Robin’s search for the truth, what about criticism?

What the press think…

According to Le Parisien:

Carried by Muriel Robin, as a mother willing to do anything to find her daughter, and Marilou Berry, determined to shine a light on a relationship that touches her more closely than she wants, ‘My Angel’ masterfully explores the gray areas in each and every Comet of Silence. 4/5

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According to Télé 7 jours:

“Halfway between drama, detective and thriller, this mini-series captivates us to the end. Muriel Robin is brilliant and very well illustrates this torn mother’s battle in search of her daughter. Even if you confront her, Marilou Perry pretty much goes the distance to win his game with sensitivity and precision.” 4/5

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According to Tilly Luiser:

“Murell Robin, strong and weak, convinces with this touching detective story.” 3.5 / 5

According to Télé Z:

“The starter stutters a bit and setup takes time. Once the machine starts up, the plot works and grabs attention. Hats off to Muriel Robin who plays this role with the nuances it demands.” 3.5 / 5

According to Télé Star:

“Muriel Robin is more populated than ever before in this deeply touching drama.” 3.5 / 5

According to Cable TV Sat:

“This new attempt by Muriel Rubin to embrace a dramatic role is a mixed one. Her character is sometimes hard to believe, especially because of the scripted dialogue and so full of cliched words.” 2.5/5