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Moscow Minister: We do not want to rely on external energy sources

Moscow Minister: We do not want to rely on external energy sources

Climate and Environment Minister Anna Moskowa said on Wednesday that Poland will strive to become independent from external energy sources. She emphasized that local energy planning will play a special role in the field of energy conversion.

“The energy transition is associated with a heavy burden imposed on us by the European Union and its climate policy. Recently, there have been a lot of contradictory opinions in the media about the position of the Polish government, our policies and the views of the European Commission. The energy transition by the Polish government is a fair transition “- said Anna Moskowa, Minister Climate and ecology at Targi Kielce, during the Enex and Ekotech fairs.

Moscow indicated that Poland achieved the 15% participation target. RES at the end of 2020 was set under the 2009 EU directive. “We reached 16 percent.” – She indicated. “We are transforming, accepting renewables, but where they bring us not only the environment, but also the social, economic and profits we see in our wallets. Energy transformation, but not at any cost” – she noted.

In this context, she referred to the German energy policy based on moving away from nuclear energy. “This is an energy transition at all costs. If there are not enough renewable energy sources in Germany, the German government will buy this energy from European sources or from other countries,” she said.

“Our approach is completely different. We do not want to depend on Russian gas from any external source, which is why the transformation is so important at the regional and local levels,” she added.

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She emphasized that local energy planning plays a special role in this regard. “Thank you very much for accepting photovoltaic cells, we already have more than 850,000 consumers in Poland. Let us remind you that our goal was 1 million consumers by 2030” – she noted.

She noted that this was possible thanks to the large participation of national and regional funds for environmental protection and the great social acceptance of this renewable energy source. She noted that in the upcoming EU perspective, the important project will be the development of energy consulting.

“We want to develop an advisory program in the following perspectives for spending European money. We want to feel safe because what we are installing is good technology that brings benefits and profits, both in the short and long term” – she said.

“There is a huge perspective for European and national funds for the transition before us. There will be a lot of funds for the transformation at local levels, and we still have time to prepare for its good spending” – she said.

More than 150 exhibitors from 14 countries have announced their attendance at this year’s Enex. The meeting was attended by producers of photovoltaic panels, heat pump installers, electric vehicle dealers, companies dealing with energy storage, as well as companies dealing with conventional energy.

On the other hand, the Ekotech exhibition offers modern waste management solutions: applications for waste sorting, IT systems for waste collection and storage, as well as enabling full monitoring of the implementation of waste collection services.

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The Enex and Ekotech exhibitions will run through Thursday.

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