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Netanyahu is pushing for the criticized bill

Netanyahu is pushing for the criticized bill

On Monday, a vote will take place in parliament, the first of three votes needed to approve it. The whole process is expected to take several months, but the first vote is seen as a sign of the government’s determination to push ahead with amending the law, despite the criticism.

As MPs prepare to vote, thousands of people are expected to protest the plans for the second week in a row.

“The state is in danger,” says Dvir Bar, one of the demonstrators who gathered in Jerusalem on Monday morning.

– It is a coup attempt to turn Israel into a dictatorship, according to him.

Last week about 100,000 people demonstrated outside Parliament.

According to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies, the reform of the judiciary aims to overhaul a system that has given the courts and legal advisors to the government a large role in drafting legislation and how decisions are made. Critics, on the contrary, believe that the planned change will overturn the current system of control and give the prime minister too much power. Critics also believe that Netanyahu himself, who is on trial on multiple corruption charges, has a conflict of interest on the matter.

If the change takes place, it will mean, among other things, that the government has more power over who becomes a judge. Today, it is decided by a selection panel of politicians, judges and lawyers, a system whose supporters believe promotes consensus.