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New Year’s competition of the Four Mountains.  Performing six poles

New Year’s competition of the Four Mountains. Performing six poles

We will also see the six Polish delegates at the New Year’s Eve competition in the Carmish-Bartenkirssen of the Four Hills tournament. The best pole in the qualifying round was Piotr Luயாa. It was won by the German Marcus Eisenfichler.

After Friday’s qualification, all poles were promoted to the New Year’s match at Karmish-Bartenkirsen. On Saturday, we will see the delights of our delegates: Pyotr Salah, Kamil Stokes, David Kubaki, Paves Vazquez, Andrzej Stikala and Jacques Volney.

This qualification was won by the German Marcus Eisenfichler – who jumped 137 m in a more unfavorable situation than the Japanese Ryou Kobayashi (134 m) and the German Karl Geeker (135.5).

The result of the fifth yły was 138.5 m, which was obtained in better condition than the leaders. Stoch finished 16th (131.5m), Kubaki – 24 (126.5m), Wesek – 29 (129.5m), Stekala – 41 (128m), and Slow 43 (123 5m).

Among others, the title was Austrian Stephen Croft, Which was ranked 59th (119.5 m).

The beginning of the New Year competition in Ka-Ba14.

At TCS, jumpers compete in pairs. There were 25 winners and five losers in these duels.

In the first match of the cycle – Wednesday at Oberstdorf – Ryoyu Kobayashi turned out to be the best.

The Polish team performed so poorly for the opening ceremony of the 70th TCS edition, practically losing chances for top positions in the entire tournament, having won four times in the last five seasons.

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David Kupaki, the only polar player in the final series, finished 28th.

The defender of the trophy was then ranked 41st, and yła – 38th.

According to the media, in the event of a very poor performance in Ka-Pa, it was assumed that the Polish national team would be excluded from the rest of the event, which would traditionally go to Austria (Innsbruck and Biscoffsofen).

However, the mood improved significantly after Friday’s qualifying round.

Due to the epidemic, matches in Germany are held without fans.