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Nile Dam ″ Last Chance |  Currently Africa |  D.W.

Nile Dam ″ Last Chance | Currently Africa | D.W.

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is the largest hydropower plant in Africa, producing 6000 MW. Construction of the 1.8 km long and 145 m high dam began in 2011. Meanwhile, Ethiopia’s largest reservoir has begun to flood, and the dam is expected to be fully operational by 2023.

The foreign ministers of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan are now in talks about a giant dam on the Nile. Egyptian Foreign Minister Same Sukri said the talks in Kinshasa were the “last chance” for the three countries to reach an agreement before the start of talks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He told the Egyptian media that he should take advantage of this opportunity.

Map of Nile and Renaissance dams

How much more water will come in Egypt, Cairo wonders?

The project is hopelessly divided

However, all negotiations so far have failed: both Egypt and Sudan are down, fearing for their water supply. With a population of over a hundred million, Egypt is almost entirely dependent on water from the Nile.

Ethiopia should therefore engage in mandatory obligations regarding the operation and storage volume of the Egypt and Sudan dams. Ethiopia argues that water flow to Egypt and Sudan will not be affected by the dam.

More intermediaries should help

At the beginning of the meeting in Kinshasa, Congolese President Felix Cicedi, who is also the President of the African Union (AU), said, “I urge all of you to seize every opportunity to open one or more windows of hope for a new beginning.

Sudan welcomed the African Union’s mediation initiative in March, but recently called on the United Nations, the European Union and the United States to join.

fab / fw (afp, rtr)