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Now companies can apply for prizes for implementing an employee idea!

Now companies can apply for prizes for implementing an employee idea!

Employee – inventor and justification? Now the company can get money to fund employee projects! The “Best Employee Initiative Development Programs” competition is being organized for the first time. It is open to micro, small, medium and large enterprises operating in Poland.

The new PARP competition aims to promote the idea of ​​systematic inclusion of employees in the company’s development and innovation activities in Polish companies. The best pledges and tools selected in the competition can be based on promotions and prize money. Projects can be submitted from August 31 to September 21, 2021. The competition is funded by the Smart Development Program.

Both the company and the benefit to the employees

– Employee innovations allow the company to develop faster and achieve competitive advantages, which is especially important in the era of the coronavirus pandemic. For employees, they are a motive and incentive for further development in the company. The possibility of active participation in the life of the company stimulates pro-entrepreneurial behavior. It also allows employees to realize themselves, realize their ambitions, find their place and role in the company, as well as better understand its needs. Both sides benefit from this. Employees innovate, and the company retains talented employees without whom it would not be able to grow quickly. Contests like the one that this year decided for the first time to organize PARP, can help them in this – assessment of Jaroslav Gwin, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Development, Labor and Technology.
This initiative aims primarily to encourage companies to make more use of the potential of their employees, and to take action, Thanks to employees who will be able to present their ideas for improvements or bigger changes in the company – explains Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak, Deputy Minister of Finance and Regional Policy.

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What projects can be submitted?

The competition is organized for two types of projects: employee initiative development programs (for entrepreneurs with less than 50 employees, 50-249 employees and 250 employees) and ICT solutions that support employee initiative development programs (for start-ups and entrepreneurs with more than 3 years).
Currently implemented projects can be submitted to the competition – programs for the development of employee initiatives that encourage employees to share ideas for improvement or refer to completely new solutions. Programs must run for at least 6 months, have regulations or other document regulating the rules of their work and bring tangible results in the enterprise.
The second category of projects presented are ready-made tools – ICT solutions that involve employees in the development and innovation activities of the company, support programs for the development of employee initiatives in organizations and contribute to their effective performance. These solutions are offered for implementation to external entities, which have been in the current offer of the competition participant for a period of no more than 5 years and have already been implemented in at least one entity. Contest entrant must have copyright to this solution.
– We assume that the projects submitted to the competition should contribute to the development of an organizational culture focused on innovation and knowledge exchange. The solutions are to maintain team engagement, as well as deepen employee competencies, support diversity management and influence the development of the company, which will be more crisis-resistant. – adds Marcin Czyża, Acting Head of the Polish Enterprise Development Agency.

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