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Pac-Man is already on Facebook;  So you can play alone or with friends

Pac-Man is already on Facebook; So you can play alone or with friends

Pac-Man is already on Facebook;  So you can play alone or with friends
Pac-Man comes to Facebook and you can play alone or with friends. – Picture from the Internet
With the Pac-Man community, you can create your own mazes and communities and broadcast them live. – Picture from the Internet
Pac-Man comes to Facebook and you can play alone or with friends. – Picture from the Internet
With the Pac-Man community, you can create your own mazes and communities and broadcast them live. – Picture from the Internet
Pac-Man comes to Facebook and you can play alone or with friends. – Picture from the Internet

backman It was without a doubt One of the most famous and most sublime video games From its launch in 1980 to the present, and now for the sake of it Creators communicate with their audiences in a different way They got used to it, llega a Facebook “Pac-Man community”, a Free multiplayer video game Inspired by the arcade created by Genvid in association with Bandai Namco.

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How to play Pac-Man on Facebook?

This new version of Pac-Man, which is part of Facebook Gaming, Can be played individually or in groups with up to four people In order to work as a team to complete the challenges that each maze suggests, or Compete with each other to get the highest score.

Also, another novelty is that through the tool Creator’s Labyrinth“May the community itself Create your own challenges and mazes, which can be shared publicly.

On the other hand, through Watch mode Players mayn Turn labyrinths into streamsand within it Viewers will be able to interact with creators and determining whether to support Pac-man or ghosts, which also helps users discover new content.

Likewise, the Pac-Man community It will have a function called “Play with the banners”, where the creators of the platform will be able to Invite their communities directly, Either as spectators or included in the game as one other player It suggests a higher level of interaction beyond perception.

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