The investigation against Bob Menendez, New Jersey, has been ongoing for a year. This is the second time in his...
Swedish exports to Russia fell sharply after the country's invasion of Ukraine in February last year. At the same time,...
The Ukrainian army said: “The details of the attack will be revealed as soon as possible, and the result is...
- Senators can now choose what they want to wear in the chamber. I will continue to wear the suit....
Marcus Gustafsson, September 22, 2023Santa Pistol, Boss Dynamite, Cali Cannon and Tumba Tarzan. Dangerous criminals and league leaders earning titles...
On Friday, a missile and robot attack hit the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, Crimea, according...
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan He urged the world to stop talking in terms of "both sides."-...
Countries around the world aim to keep temperature rise below 1.5 degrees. That goal could collapse as early as this...
Putin's holiday paradise has been attacked A massive fire broke out in the Russian city of Sochi on the Black...
Shortly before that - and just hours after the ceasefire was announced in Nagorno-Karabakh - thousands of demonstrators in Armenia...