After an all-digital 2020 release due to the pandemic, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival returned on Monday with some...
In the E3 2021 On June 13, Microsoft ended the Xbox and Bethesda conference with unexpected news: its refrigerator with...
Raja Casablanca (RCA) lost at home (0-1) to Nahdet Berkane (RSB), Sunday, at the Mohammed V Sports Complex in Casablanca,...
The Outer Worlds 2 was officially announced at the Xbox conference at E3. The sequel, however, still has a long...
China was the focus of large parts of the meeting and the member states - the US, France, Italy, Japan,...
A casual photo of Jonah Koronievska jogging with him, caused a real storm. The actress' bust was the subject of...
Information has been sent to the Official Journal of the European Union about the announcement of a tender for the...
Angelina Jolie She is located in New York, one of the most important cities in the world, as she arrived...
06/13/2021 at 8:13 pmFrom Thelo Bayer - Microsoft is publishing the E3 trailer for Age of Empires 4 and showing...
Paris Saint-Germain ends the transfer of Gianluigi Donnarumma. Fabrizio Romano announced that medical examinations will take place next week.Because of...