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Ping demia in the UK is causing food shortages

Ping demia in the UK is causing food shortages

After Freedom Day on July 19, life returned to normal – and instead, a “ping game” broke out.

Through the British health care system (NHS) covidapp gives residents a “ping” – a signal – after close contact with an infected or suspected person. With the indication, the person “under stress” is encouraged to self-isolate for ten days.

At the same time, the spread of infection in the country is increasing. Authorities have reported between 40,000 and 50,000 new infections every day since July 14, which means many “voices” in the British Isles.

He said that during the second week of July, 1.4 million Britons were urged to put themselves in solitary confinement times. This also applies to those who have been vaccinated with two doses.

The new system caused a huge shortage of personnel in the country. Among other things, the food and transportation sector writes Watchman.

Grocery store in south london.

Grocery store in south london.

Photo: Justin Tallis/TT

The system left shelves empty in the British grocery trade and the British press described the situation as “chaotic”.

For most groceries in England and Wales, there are no new deliveries on the horizon, The Times writes. The largest food chains are apologizing for the lack of supplies and one of the country’s largest wholesalers now says they are urging their employees to ignore the warnings they receive.

“If they’re stressed, we ask them to get a quick test and if it’s positive, they should of course self-isolate, but if it’s negative, we tell them to go back to work,” Bidfoods director Andrew Selley told The Times.

Trains and buses also had to cancel – and it could be worse.

– If there is no train crew and the departure can be canceled, it is annoying. But if the control room is affected, no trains can run, Mike Lynch of RMT tells BBC Radio 4.

Swansea, Wales.

Swansea, Wales.

Photo: Robert Millen/Shutterstock

Among service personnel, 20 percent It was forced into self-isolation at one point, meaning bars and restaurants had to close temporarily. The Guardian wrote that the Greene King chain closed 33 of its bars last week. The newspaper also reported that energy company BP was forced to close petrol stations due to a shortage of fuel in tanks.

The government has been criticized for the system and is now stating that 16 particularly important sectors should be exempted from the self-isolation requirement that affects up to 10,000 workers. In the grocery business, people should get a quick test after they are “stressed” starting this week. In the event of a negative answer, employees should be able to return to their jobs. As for the other sectors, the British government has not yet announced.

After August 16, the requirement to self-isolate no longer applies to those who have received two doses of the vaccine.

Read more:

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