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pit.  The tax office confirms – the tax exemption “for housing purposes” covers household appliances and furniture.  How will he get it?

pit. The tax office confirms – the tax exemption “for housing purposes” covers household appliances and furniture. How will he get it?

The housing exemption has been added to the group of exemptions that may significantly reduce the obligations to the tax authorities. As it turned out, this concept also covers the expenses of household appliances and furniture. True, the scope of its application has increased significantly, but in fact it applies only to a very small group of taxpayers.

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“Investing in gas energy and committing to coal will prevent Poland from achieving the goals it has committed to.”

The Tax Office confirmed the granting of a housing allowance for household appliances and furniture

The national tax information in the interpretation issued on October 13, 2021 confirmed that It also considers the costs incurred to equip the property as a “housing expense”.. Journalists gained access to the document’s content.”Republic of Poland“.

to You knowWhich, for example, buy kitchen furniture or kitchen appliances, such as Oven, microwave, extractor, dishwasher or refrigerator and accessories in the form of lighting, including LED strips and halogen holes. Previously, this possibility only applied to embedded devices. Relief also applies Buy a stove or stove.

Your e-PITHow is PIT settled online? When should this be done? [PORADNIK]

When is the discount available? Who has the right?

Residential relief grants relate to a comprehensive income tax settlement. The 2021 tax report can be settled from February 15 to May 2, 2022. Unfortunately, only a few will have a chance to get a discount.

all because of Only people who sold private properties in the past year can benefit from the relief And they had property rights. PIT-39 must be completed by people who sold the property within 5 years of purchasing it.

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