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PZPS President Nikola Grbic commented on the work.  Honest words of union leader – Volleyball – Sports Wprost

PZPS President Nikola Grbic commented on the work. Honest words of union leader – Volleyball – Sports Wprost

The Polish volleyball team is about to start the second match of the League of Nations, in which it will face Brazil, the United States, Canada and Australia. Sebastian Svitersky, in an interview with TVP Sport, pleaded not to count and not to look at the table.

Schwitzerski commented on Crypt’s work. The leader of the PZPS was delighted

Sebastian Svitersky admits that the Polish men’s team won the first match very favorably. Grbic’s coach checked all the players and had time to select them for the next match. – I hope he will follow the test path. It seems to me that only in the last week he will put the volleyball volumes in their proper places – Swedersky estimates. The president also stressed that the final individual elections would be troublesome for Grbić as each player showed his best play.

Sviedersky also commented on the club situation of the new coach of the Polish national team who recently lost his contract with Sir Safety Perugia. The president stressed that the union wanted to adhere to previous arrangements, saying that under no circumstances could Grbić link the work of club manager and coach from the Polish league.

Svitersky on the situation in Trissyska. “Every coach has a right to his vision”

The journalist conducting the interview quoted Fabian Trissiska from “Kanaz Sportovy” in which his conversation with one of the candidates for the volleyball, first team coach, showed that his absence was not determined by sporting features. – Every coach has the right to his team vision. I do not understand why it should be questioned – said Schwidersky. The journalist also said that his information shows that during the interview with the candidates, questions were asked about three players, Fabian Trissica, Michael Kubiak and Bardos Guerrero. – With the consent of the interested parties, we recorded these interviews, and I remember very well both the questions and the answers given there. I hope the coaches will do the same – Swedersky concluded.

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