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Retiring after 40 years of work?  Soon there may be a decision on pensions

Retiring after 40 years of work? Soon there may be a decision on pensions

Pensions 2021 – Changes. Will there be a pension after 40 years of work? Will the retirement age change in Poland? Currently, in order to retire, you must reach the required age: 65 for men and 60 for women. However, this may change soon. Before us a revolution, but when will it happen?

A new one may soon apply in Poland retirement age. This would be the case if internship pensions were entered. This topic is of great interest to many Poles, who will have a chance to apply to get the benefit faster.

Training pensions have been a hot topic for at least a few months. They were brought with a promise by President Andrzej Duda. He talked about it, among other things, during the election campaign last summer.

Pensions should be based on the fact that the old-age pension is granted on:

  • Women after 35 years of work and 55 years of age
  • Men after 40 years of work and have reached the age of 60

For “training” to make sense, Solidarno wants to introduce an additional condition – the recipient must have equity at the end, This would allow a payment of 120 percent. The minimum pension.

The new idea of ​​a pension revolution has become quiet lately. Mainly due to the coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile, as FACT reports, Yaroslav Kaczynski, Head of Law and Justice, is at the office. A proposal to include the introduction of internship pensions into the PiS program – New Deal.

“The Polish Trade Union Confederation urges you to take steps to introduce so-called internship pensions. We expect that this solution will be found, among other things, in the New Polish Lada presented by the party (section“ Golden Autumn of Life ”)” – we read in the letter To Yaroslav Kaczynski, who quotes the word “FACT.”

“Female employees age individually. It also depends on their health status and the type of work they perform. These factors affect the efficiency of the body and make it difficult for them to engage in professional activity. Long-term work experience and payment of social insurance means that these people receive adequate pension capital. This will allow you to receive a pension without support from the state budget “- we read more.

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OPZZ hopes so Yaroslav Kaczynski will make the main decision regarding internship pensions And the inclusion of this proposal in its new program.

The “New Deal” is a law and justice program that the party wants to implement after the coronavirus pandemic. It is supposed to contain many proposals for citizens. It is unofficially said that the Law and Justice Party will want to promise, among other things, exempting the lowest pensions from tax and comparing benefits above 500. The New Deal was due to be introduced at the end of last week, but due to the new wave of cases. Coronavirus, presentation has been moved to April.
