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Several repairs SKM discontinued in Gdynia in one year.  Will there be great difficulties?

Several repairs SKM discontinued in Gdynia in one year. Will there be great difficulties?

Selection of contractors for plant renovation is final SKM Orłowo and Leszczynki. On Tuesday, bids for Grabówek’s renovation opened, design work is still in progress before the start of the suburban station modernization and partial renovation of SKM Gdynia Główna station. This means that within a year, the robots can assemble up to four platforms in Gdynia. Do you expect great difficulties?

  • Colas Rail Polska will be the contractor for the renovation of SKM Orłowo in the amount of PLN 17.6 million – the works will take 11 months.
  • The renovation of the SKM Leszczynki plant, worth 16.1 million PLN, will be carried out by a consortium of Roverpol and Roverpol Infraestructuras – the works will take 11 months.
  • Since February, design documents are being prepared for the modernization of the suburban station, including the renovation of the Gdynia Główna platform and the creation of an integrated security monitoring system, then construction will begin. The work, amounting to 62.4 million PLN, is carried out by the consortium of T4B and MAXTO Technology. they will continue From Brand 2023 p.

At least 1.6 million PLN missing

In the renewal tender Three performances were presented by SKM Grabówek on Tuesday.

  1. konsorcjum Roverpol i Roverpol Infraestructuras – 24.2 million PLNAnd
  2. Rajbod – 25.1 million PLNAnd
  3. Colas Real Polska – 25.2 million PLN.
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Budget 22.6 million PLNThis means that 1.6 million PLN are missing. In this case, the business will also continue for 11 months.

Offers will be analyzed. At this point, we don’t know if we will apply for corporate approvals to increase the budget and accept one or redo the procedure – he says Maciej LignoskiPresident of PKP SKM Trójmiasto.

Orłowo’s second “trapezoid” will provide rides every 7.5 minutes at the peak

It should be noted at this point that in the case of Leszczynek, too, the budget was exceeded, but by 1.2 million PLN. SKM finally accepted the offer. If it also happens this time, the work may accumulate at least three stops at the same time.

– Certainly, in the case of Orłów and Leszczynek, there will be a joint closure of the track, even on weekends. Then, for example, a new platform edge will be built in Leszczynki. Fortunately, in Orłowo we have a second “hammock” [odpowiednio przebudowany rozjazd pozwalający na dowolną zmianę toru przy wjeździe i wyjeździe ze stacji – red.]Which will allow us to maintain a running pace every 7.5 minutes on weekdays – announced President Lignowski. – On the other hand, works related to the reconstruction of the track plate connecting the platform to the station in Gdynia Główna will not start until the end of 2022 and 2023. There is also turnout on both sides of the platform.

Shipbuilding platforms will be renovated in 2023

From this EU perspective, the SKM Gdynia Stocznia – Maritime University and SKM Gdańsk Stocznia plants will have to undergo a renovation. However, it will not start operating before 2023.

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