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Star Wars: Lucasfilm prepares for racist attacks on Musa Ingram in Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars: Lucasfilm prepares for racist attacks on Musa Ingram in Obi-Wan Kenobi

In an interview with The Independent, American actress Moses Ingram revealed that she was warned by production company Lucasfilm about the racist harassment of which she risks becoming a victim when the series “Obi-Wan Kenobi” is launched.

Sad fact. In an interview with the British site independentMoses Ingram revealed that officials at production company Lucasfilm had been careful to warn her of racial harassment that was going to target her as an African American actress appearing in a fictional Star Wars universe. They are ready to provide all necessary support to him.

“It’s something that Lucasfilm has anticipated, and they said to me, ‘This is something that, unfortunately, has to happen. But we’re here to help you, let us know when it happens,'” she explains.

Best known for her appearances in the series “Le Jeu de la Dame”, or in the credits of the movie “Ambulance,” Moses Ingram will play Inquisitor Reva in the series “Obi-Wan Kenobi,” which is supposed to air. Friday, May 27 on Disney+. And like John Boyega or Kelly Marie Train before her, Moses Ingram will inevitably be targeted by some Star Wars fans because of the color of his skin.

Diversity like never before

However, Moses Ingram doesn’t want to let this reality deprive her of the pride she feels for integrating the Star Wars universe via such prestigious series as “Obi-Wan Kenobi,” where she will give the answer to Ewan McGregor.

“Of course, there will always be hate zones. But I have no problem blocking spam. ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’ will bring diversity that has never been seen in the galaxy before in my opinion. And in my opinion, it’s time for it to happen. If You had robots and aliens talking, but no people of color, it wouldn’t make sense. We’re in 2022. However, we’re only at the beginning of this change. But it’s better late than never,” Moses Ingram continued.

In “Obi-Wan Kenobi,” the 29-year-old actress will play Riva, one of Darth Vader’s most powerful Inquisitor squad members responsible for hunting down and eliminating the last Jedi.

“She is a Darth Vader who is willing to do anything to fulfill her mission. I think what interests me most in her is the enthusiasm she shows in everything she does,” Moses Ingram recently stated about her character.

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