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Stefan Plaza with his father Raymond, 90: “Special” program and photos

Stefan Plaza with his father Raymond, 90: “Special” program and photos

Stefan Plaza with his father Raymond, 90: “Special” program and photos

Stefan Plaza is getting ready for an unforgettable birthday! With his 90-year-old father Raymond, the TV star real estate agent is preparing for a show that promises crazy!

Stephen Plaza Never lacks ideas! The most famous real estate agent in PAF, who is already chairing several offers, is preparing for a construction project … Father Raymond! This year, the 51-year-old host is traveling to Martinique with his father 90 years first said The beginning of their new adventure On Instagram:ntheIt has never been such a happy celebration in my heart and without my mother this date is always so special! But at 51, it’s time to take your time and Take care of my 90 year old dad! Thank you Dad, the stay is off to a good start! After spending an hour early at the airport, having lost his ticket, after ringing everywhere with his battery in his heart and calling me every ten minutes, it was finally time Father and son leaving side by side! Dogs Don’t Make Daddy Cats?“”

Stephen Plaza: “A little bit special” with his father

Then, Stefan Plaza has Unveiled his project On the main lines:In Martinique, this year I take the opportunity to shoot a new concept Special number father and sonwho will stay engraved in recordsWithout a team, without an organization and with two clumsy people, it smells like a tree!! Will be Somewhat special But it was carried out with the heart and all sanitary precautions (…) This unusual duo for me (and for him I wish – we will see at the end of the stay) is the most beautiful giftWe are impatient…

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