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Summary of Episode 305 on Monday, January 3

Summary of Episode 305 on Monday, January 3

Summary of Episode 305 on Monday, January 3

Teyssier spoke to Claire and then to Maxime about his doubts about Louis’s recipe. Anais is angry with Lisandro for canceling his New Year’s Eve party. Guillaume is ready to do anything until Laetitia passes the interview for Antoine’s assistant position.

Monday January 3 in a Here it all begins, marked by the departure of Celia … Louis explains to Charlene (Paula Petrenko was revealed on Instagram) about his choice to rely on his father’s recipes. She blames him for lying to her, but she understands him. Tessier suspects that Louis (Fabien Wolfrum, who has revealed his family’s association with Aurelie Ponce) helped prepare Saint-Jacques and tells Claire, who is defending her son. Charlene proposes to Luis and Enzo to organize a New Year’s Eve party at her place in order to complicity.

Tessier tells Maxime his doubts about Louis

When I asked Claire Lewis about his choice of partner with Enzo and his inspiration for the Saint-Jacques dish, Lewis took it poorly. She ends up talking to him about Tessier’s (Benjamin Baruch’s confession) suspicions The little house in the meadow). At the institute, tensions escalated between Maxime and Enzo. In the evening with the Teyssiers, they quarrel even before the director of the institute sends everyone home. Then, after Constance had treated Maxime’s wound, Tessier discussed with the latter his suspicions about Louis, stating that he thought it was a new prescription from Augustus.

Lætitia interviewed for an assistant position

Guillaume again tries to persuade Clotilde (Elsa Lunghini) to allow Lætitia to interview for the position of Antoine’s assistant. I accepted one condition, that if Lætitia was taken, Guillaume would have to leave the latter. When she learns that Clotilde wants Lætitia to do the interview, she trusts Antoine that she thinks her sister has an idea beyond her mind. Antoine greets Lætitia, who manages to convince her to answer the phone and give all the correct information about the institute to a future parent. Antoine is convinced and informs Clotilde and Guillaume, and makes sure that this recruitment will not be a problem.

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I’m angry with Lisandro

Anais is really angry at Lisandro (Agustin Galliana) who didn’t want to host the students’ New Year’s party in his house. She even wonders if moving in with him would be a good idea. She decided to spend December 31 working at Double A and when Lisandro learned about it, he chose to do the same to be with her anyway. On duty, when Salome arrives after being chased away from the Teyssiers, Lisandro gives permission for the students to wake up in the common room, and have a good time.