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SVT Reporter: Huge concern over severe religious persecution

SVT Reporter: Huge concern over severe religious persecution

This morning, Kabul fell into the hands of the Taliban. Many feared in advance that the invasion would follow bloody battles, but this did not happen.

A while ago, there was information about a shooting at the airport, except that it was very quiet here tonight. The big news here, is the return of the Taliban to the heart of Kabul, says Samir Abu Eid, in a live broadcast of SVT News Sunday night.

I waited outside the US

However, the fact that no major bloodshed had occurred yet did not mean that there was peace in the City of Millions.

Ordinary Afghans are very worried about the future. Earlier today, photographer Salim Sabbaghout and I were on the streets of Kabul and met refugees who had come to Kabul very worried.

How, in principle, could the entire country end up under Taliban rule in such a short time is still difficult to answer. But Samir Abu Eid notes that the Taliban never disappeared, despite being forced to withdraw by the 2001 US invasion.

– They waited for the United States, they knew that one day they would leave Afghanistan and then they were ready to take back control of the country.

‘Many Afghans are worried’

It is not possible to talk about what will happen in the future, for example regarding possible negotiations between the Taliban and the government. However, it is clear that large sections of the civilian population fear a return to the rule that prevailed when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001.

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– Now many Afghans are worried about severe religious repression by the Taliban. Many young girls will not be able to go to school, and women will not be able to work. Many now want to leave Afghanistan.