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Sylvia Pamba talks about breaking up with her partner for the first time

Sylvia Pamba talks about breaking up with her partner for the first time

The last few months have been important for Sylvia Pamba. The participant of the show “Gogglebox. Before TV” had to break up with his partner and rearrange his life. While independent motherhood is not easy, the star has a lot of strength to deal with difficulties. What does it suggest to other women?

Sylvia Pamba gained popularity and sympathy from the audience by participating in “Gogglebox. In the front of the TV”. Together with his friend Eva Mrozovska, they are one of the most colorful characters on the DTV entertainment show. He has nearly 800,000 views on Instagram. Internet users. On social media, Sylvia enthusiastically reveals the secret of privacy and shows off her daily life.

Unexpectedly The last few months have been very difficult for her. He broke up with his partner Antosia’s father. In an interview with Sandra Hajduk-Popińska, she recently spoke about the emotions she experienced for the first time.

– Finally, when you decide to pack your bags, you are really alone. You accept responsibility for the consequences of this decision. I had supportive parents near me, they were really a bombshell, they always helped me, no matter what I did. I packed my first suitcase, and then my mom and dad came from Quitz and helped me pack the next one – Sylvia agreed.

How does the star of “Gogglebox” handle raising her daughter? It turns out that despite the bad moments, he never gives up and keeps going.

– It’s a matter of good organization and choice. This is a classic, I run, take Antosia to kindergarten, hold the receiver, talk, and at the same time go to the accountant. I can do a lot of things at once. Being at Andosia Kindergarten was a big help to me, she embraced, so I have a good mind to work many hours. I have to admit that this can be difficult at times. Independent motherhood is doubly difficult because you have to be a mom and dad. Answer the difficult questions and face it yourself. You need to explain why this is and why it happened. Although Antosia is 3 years old, she asks questions very intelligently and accurately. These are difficult moments for me, but I think it gave me such energy and vigor – she insisted.

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A new phase in the life of Sylvia Pamba

It is said that true friends are formed only when they are in poverty. In a difficult moment, Sylvia finds out about it when she trusts the support of her soul mate Leila.

– This is a very positive accent. In all the confusion, Lily was the first person to give me such power and so much support. At one point I had the feeling that I was no longer important here, that I was a tooth in a machine. Everything I did felt hopeless. Suddenly Lily appeared with a new look, distance, incredible calm and, above all, immense support. Now it is very difficult to find a friend who will unselfishly support you, Pamba noted.

Everything that had happened to her so far was a great lesson to her, from which she made her decisions. She knew herself well.

– I learned that I was able to do things I never doubted. I learned by self-determination, I can fight for my happiness. I want to say this to all women. If they have any doubts about the moment they are in life or if they are really happy, I want them to fight with each other, Do not be afraid to make difficult decisions because they are there to teach us something new. I always say that Life climbs the stairs. To go up, you need to take the first step, Go up the first step. Making a decision is a very difficult step, but it is better then – Sylvia Pamba promised.

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Key Photo Source: Good morning TVN