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The highest salary in the history of Extraclassa!  Legia Warszawa broke bank football

The highest salary in the history of Extraclassa! Legia Warszawa broke bank football

“When?”. No longer “if”, but “when?” The basic question when it comes to the arrival of Mark Babshaw in the Legion. We hear that Raków Częstochowa’s coach is already after the word with Dariusz Mioduski, and also publicly admitted last week that he wants a pope at his club. Preferably now – from winter. However – as the owner of the Warsaw club added – Legia is ready to wait even until summer.

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Legend of the Legion Undoubtedly: He is guilty of chaos. “This is not a disaster, this is a scandal.”

Media: Rakov Marek chooses Babshun's successor.  Explicit candidateMedia: Rakov Marek chooses Babshun’s successor. Explicit candidate

– With the appropriate working conditions in Legia, I believe Marek Babsun is the best candidate to build our team in the years to come. I firmly believe that Coach Bobson’s charisma, knowledge and experience will be very positively linked to the club’s philosophy, “Myodowski said.

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– If we do not believe that coach Bobsun will come to us, the President’s interview will not be published on the website – We hear in Legia, which released a conversation with the President on Thursday, against Leicester City in the Europa League several dozen minutes before the match abroad (1: 3).

The owner of Raków clarifies

This interview in Częstochowa was not well received. – Darius Myodowski talks a lot about collaboration between culture and clubs, but some of his behavior shows that he does not know what he is talking about – Michael Sverdlovsky, owner of Rako, commented on the words of the leader of Legia. – I do not consider the option that coach Bobsun will leave us in the winter. Especially since all the cards are still in our hands. At least until the summer – he added.

These cards are primarily a papal treaty, valid until June 30. – Firstly, there is no such thing as compensation in this agreement, and secondly – the most important thing – there are more important things in life than money – Sverdlovsky told us on Friday, we asked whether it is true that Rakov respects the Pope. Will depart in the winter for a million euros.

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Unnecessary confusion has developed.

Bobsun was not pleased with Myodzky’s public announcement that he wanted to hire him in Ligia. – There was an unnecessary mess – said the coach after Saturday’s game against Zagłębie (4: 0) on Canal + Sport. However, at the same time, he did not deny that Legia would be his next boss. – When will we know the answer about my future? I think it will happen soon, but it’s hard for me to say when, because I do not want to announce anything now, I have not announced anything. Nothing is forecast. For now, I’m focused on working in Rogo – he added.

At Częstochowa, they firmly believe that there will be no coach change in the winter. But Legia is determined, with Łazienkowska street, to care about everything about this change. This was further demonstrated by Legia’s announcement Tuesday that Paves Tomsik has been appointed as the new deputy sports director. This is a new level created by the club especially for Tomsik. Rako’s former sports director and close friend of Babsun. The two have known each other for years. Tomczyk has been an active footballer since the days when Bobson was his coach at Legionovia Legionovo.

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Legia provokes the pope with money

Legia is strongly motivated not only by his trusted man who brought Babshon to the club, but also by money. More importantly it can be even with money, because we hear from those around Popsnow that it could even be a salary of around 250,000. PLN per month. Per year, which is three million. Some sources – close to Legia – claim that Papshun’s revenue will be slightly lower – PLN 220,000. PLN – That would be a record salary anyway.

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Anyway, it’s already here, because Babson in Rogo gets approximately 140 thousand. PLN per month. No other coach in the league earns much. After joining Legia, these salaries are even higher. Also, taking into account the players, it is a record breakthrough for the club as a whole, as they are currently paid to Artur Jędrzejczyk (approximately PLN 200 thousand per month) on azienkowska Street, and previously Vadis Odjidja-Ofoe (approximately PLN 215 thousand). . zloty).

The owner of the raccoon must adhere to the principle that the coach must earn more than the players so that they have respect. But the relationship between Rako and Popshon is not just about a dress and a lot of money. It is a great force that goes beyond the dressing room, because the Pope in Rogo has created many rules not only for footballers but also for those who obey in offices. There is a lot to say.

A real revolution awaits Legia

Myodowski now promises that the pope will find similar working conditions in Warsaw, although now the way the president’s committee is formed is contradictory. Especially recently, he hired Czesław Michniewicz, who was often the last or last to find out about new players. But it was in previous years that the head of Legia – even under Jesse Makira – revealed to himself that his vision of the club and the director of the game did not need to do much. With the coach’s view.

This situation is going to change after the arrival of the Pope. As for Legia, this means not only a revolution in the club’s management, but also a huge expense, because if Ragov coach comes to Warsaw – and everything that means he will come in the summer – he will come here. The whole entourage. Since he worked at Łazienkowska in 2010-2015, of course with Gonzalo Fio, who is well acquainted with Legia and its realities. He began his younger year at the academy as a volunteer, then as a coordinator of middle school committees, he coached boys from 1998, and from 2014 – by Henning Berg’s decision – he became a member of the analytical department. Created for the first team.

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Feio is now the second coach at Raków. Not an assistant, because the role is played by Dorius Scripps, David Swarga and Lucas Vulodrec. The pope is not said to have taken them all, but some of them (mostly Skrzypczak). Paweł Frelik is a definite thing, we hear it is a mental preparation trainer. Also included are goalkeeping coach Jaroslav Dikos and team manager Kamil Vaskovsky, with whom Bobsun in Warsaw wants to collaborate.

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Myodowski is ready to break the bank

This is still known as speculation, as no documents have been signed yet, and they say in Rogo that there will be no change of coach in the winter. But according to the information we have gathered, this seems to be a viable development. From these conversations, it appears that only Christoph Dowhan could have been one of the first-team coaching staff since Bobson arrived in Legia. Qualified coach for 20 years of service at the club, he developed and developed many talented goalkeepers and became a legend himself.

But we are only talking about the staff here. In addition, there are players who want to take Babsoon with them from Rako. At the moment, there are two in particular: attacking midfielder Ivy Lopez and center-defender and Rako’s captain – Andrzej Noulis. Bringing them to azienkowska is nothing more than an additional expense. But everything indicates that Myodowski is ready for it. Bobsun, the owner of Legia, is ready to break the bank to go to his Legia.