Diablo Immortal officially appeared on June 2. Even before that date, there were a lot of advertisements that stunned the hearts of fans of the series.”Diablo“No wonder, as it was known that the production date was set between the second and third installments. So it was certain that players would see Many new flavors and items that complement the universe’s plot background.
A lot of excitement arose when more interviews with the game’s producers were posted on the web. The developers announced it micropaymentsWhich everyone was afraid of, it will be optional and will not greatly affect the comfort of playing. It was even promised that the wealth of the wallet would not affect the quality of the hours spent in the new game from Blizzard.
Since the official premiere of the movieImmortal Diablo“It’s been a few days, so we decided to look at different aspects of the Internet and make a short review of the comments of those who have already had the opportunity to delve into this address. There are many indications of this. Blizzard’s Promises They don’t actually have confirmation.
“I grew up in Diablo. I survived this production for an hour, this is kind of a failure, a version of the Chinese MMO, where they want to withdraw money at every step” – one comment replied.
“I played 10 minutes on PC and let it go. Blizzard doesn’t remind me of it, it didn’t even stand next to this company on the shelf” – echoed another.
“I played for 3 days and in fact, from level 35, the game became tiring without spending money. Leveling is slow, and even without tokens in cracks or other towers, forget about unique items or stones” – another player said.
“I’ve been clicking for 3 days and it hasn’t been for whole days, maybe a few hours a day and have 50 levels without spending a penny, it wasn’t hard. As for the game itself – the combat is a lot simplistic, but there’s nothing to be done. Surprisingly, because this is a mobile game ”- one Internet user frankly admitted this.
“Some people, I get the impression, expected a free, high-budget game without any payer facilities. How would it work? Game production is not a charity” – another player asked in a tip.
Although the vast majority of them prevail online Negative commentsThere is also a positive. Most Common Criticism Fears micropayment system. And here players complain about the model.”Pay to win“and eternal encouragement by producers to buy”boostTo our character.
When it comes to positive valuesImmortal Diablo“surely climatic production Simply well-made, with attention to detail and faithfully reproduced imitation Diablo world.
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