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The latest iPadOS 15 release breaks charging on the iPad Mini 6

The latest iPadOS 15 release breaks charging on the iPad Mini 6

IPad Mini 6 owners who installed iPadOS 15.5 have started reporting problems with their tablets. It’s all about charging, which started to fail after the update.

Updates, while they should introduce new features and fix bugs, sometimes cause problems themselves. This is what happened with the latest version of iPadOS 15

Apple recently released a software update for its iPads. However, iPadOS 15.5 not only brought the patches but also the issues that iPad Mini 6 users reported last year. Complaints about the new update started popping up on manufacturer support forums.

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It is specifically related to charging problems that appeared after installing iPadOS 15.5. Users report (via Mac rumors) that no matter what power cord or adapter is used, the battery in their device will not charge. According to some, even a factory reset does not fix this error. Normally, this would be considered a hardware defect, but many people are affected.

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In addition, Apple accepted the complaints and issued an internal note to authorized resellers stating that even replacing the battery won’t solve charging issues, which clearly indicates a software defect. So what do you do in such a situation? In the memo, Apple advises store employees and service providers to ask users who reported a problem to restart their devices.

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Unfortunately, it is not known if iPadOS 15.6 will solve this problem, but if you are having trouble charging your iPad Mini, you can try installing the beta version on your device. How do I do it?

  • Open a website on your iPad
  • Sign in with your Apple ID
  • On the main home page, click “Start”
  • Then select the “iPadOS” tab and select “Register your device”
  • Follow the onscreen instructions to download and install the profile
  • After installing the profile, you will see an iPadOS 15.6 notification in the Update section on your iPad