Retirees live in splendor
We are only five weeks away from the moment ZUS begins paying the so-called fourteenth pension – the only benefit of its kind in history. See who and how much money they will get. We invite you to read the most frequently asked questions and answers that we write about in SE.
fourteenth pension It is a one-time benefit granted by the government to the elderly to improve their situation. The majority will receive an amount of 1022.88 PLN retired. This year’s allowance is absolutely necessary, because the highest rate of inflation in 20 years is hitting older Poles hard. The “Super Express” program answers the most annoying questions about the additional money owed to people receiving benefits from the Social Insurance Institution. The good news is that you do not have to submit any applications to ZUS, because the “fourteen” will be paid ex officio. What else should we know about the extra payment? All this is annoying retired And retirees, we’ve collected questions and answered them in our own guide.
– Who has the right to fourteen?
The benefit is granted to persons who, on October 31, are entitled to one of the long-term benefits: old-age, disability, social and pre-retirement benefits. Fourteen will not be granted to persons whose entitlement to these benefits will be suspended.
– How much will ZUS pay?
The fourteenth pension is a common name. In fact, ZUS does not pay everyone the equivalent pensions. The so-called fourteen is equal to the minimum pension minus taxes and health insurance, i.e. PLN 1,022.88.
– Will everyone get the same?
– No. The amount of PLN 1022.88 is due to persons whose pension or disability does not exceed about PLN 2,250 per hand. If someone has a higher interest, the fourteen will be reduced on a “PLN vs PLN” basis. Persons with an old-age pension exceeding 3300 PLN will not receive a benefit.
– I will reach retirement age in October. Will I get fourteen?
– Anyone entitled to a disability pension or an old-age pension before October 31 must submit an application for benefits to the ZUS as soon as possible. Officials need time to verify this and make a decision.
– When will you pay me?
– ZUS will pay the 14th pension in November, along with monthly benefits. Pensioners will be paid on the following dates: November 1, 5, 6, 10, 15, 20 and 25.
– Part of my pension goes to the keeper, so will the fourteen be deducted?
– No. No deductions or executions are made from the fringe benefit. All fourteen pay the pensioner.
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