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The Norwegian drove too fast through Denmark – he got rid of his Lamborghini

The Norwegian drove too fast through Denmark – he got rid of his Lamborghini

The Norwegian just bought a Lamborghini Huracan Spyder for SEK 4.5 million in Germany. On his way back to Norway in February, the gas pedal got a little heavy, Danesh writes TV 2. It traveled no less than 228 kilometers per hour on the Danish highway.

The driver wouldn’t have done that. In March last year, a new law came into effect that gives police the opportunity to seize and confiscate vehicles in the event of “crazy driving”, including if you are driving more than 200 kilometers per hour.

He was sentenced harshly in the first place: twenty days in jail, suspended driving licence, banned from entering Denmark for six years – and car confiscated.

“I was shocked, it’s plain and simple theft,” the 32-year-old, who runs a car workshop in Stavanger and had been saving up to buy the car for many years, told Tv2 when the verdict was handed down.

Auctioned by the police

He denied driving as quickly as the police alleged, and vowed to appeal the verdict.

Twenty days in jail and entry ban, no problem. But for the state to confiscate a car worth between two and three million kroner is very cruel. That’s a lot of money. The money I worked for, he told TV2 Nord at the time.

Now the Western Supreme Court has confirmed the ruling. The 32-year-old never got his car back and can now look at buying an extraordinarily expensive and short-lived vehicle. Anyone with a few million to spare and wants to own a Lamborghini gets a chance to bid when it is auctioned off by the police in Hjørring.

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