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The train journey from Krakow to Bielsko-Biala takes 15 minutes shorter.  Contract worth 23 million PLN

The train journey from Krakow to Bielsko-Biala takes 15 minutes shorter. Contract worth 23 million PLN

12/04/2021 h. 08:30

PKP PLK has signed a contract to build a link in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. Thanks to the investment of 23 million PLN, train journeys from Krakow to Bielsko-Biała will be shortened by a quarter. The construction of the ramp will eliminate the need to change the direction of trains at Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Lanckorona Station.

The railway link is a new section of the track that will connect two lines: No. 97 Skawina – Żywiec and No. 117 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Lanckorona – Bielsko-Biała. The contract provides for the construction of a bridge of approximately 500 meters in length that will have a track, a number of participants, devices for controlling railway traffic as well as a traction network. Efficient and safe passage of trains will be ensured by extending the bridge at the connection point of the new facility with the Skawina-Żywiec line. The contractor for the contract worth 23 million PLN is ZUE.

Thanks to the establishment of the link, you will eliminate the need to change the direction of trains at Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Lanckorona Station. Thus, it will be possible to travel directly on the Krakow – Bielsko – Biawa – Krakow route. – This solution will improve rail traffic and will allow to shorten journeys from Krakow to Wadowice, Andreišo and Bielsko-Biała by up to a quarter of an hour – Persuading in PKP PLK.

According to the signed contract, the construction of the new section of the track will be preceded by the preparation of detailed designs. The switchboard is scheduled to be commissioned in the second half of 2023.

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