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This is how indexing pensions in 2022 will affect benefits for seniors.  Will there be record increases? [24.01.2022]

This is how indexing pensions in 2022 will affect benefits for seniors. Will there be record increases? [24.01.2022]

This is how indexing pensions in 2022 will affect benefits for seniors. According to experts and government officials, the pension index this year may be high. This means additional increases for the elderly. See how much you can earn.

The indexation of pensions always takes effect on the first day of March of each year. This is when retirees get higher benefits. How will it be in 2022?

According to the first forecasts, the indicator was scheduled to be at the level of 104 percent. In the meantime, more positive news is pouring in. According to “fact” indexing index It can reach 106.7 per cent.

How is the indexation of pensions? In March, the standardization index, which includes the inflation of products and services, also increased by 20%. An increase in the average salary.

Due to the fact that inflation is very high, pensions will also be higher.

In the gallery below, we present a special calculation of the pension for 2022, presented by the daily “Fact”. The announced index rate of 106.7% was taken into consideration. Find out what the 2022 pensions will be, if the forecasts of experts come true.

Watch the exhibition(22 pics)

According to the first forecasts, the indicator was scheduled to be at the level of 104 percent.  In the meantime, more positive news is pouring in.  The indexing index may be as high as 106.7%.  In January, pensions increased after the New Deal was introduced.  In the following slides of our gallery, we present special accounts for pensions in 2022, provided by the Daily "fact".  The announced (though unofficial) index rate of 106.7 percent was taken into account.

Beginning in March, ZUS will transfer these amounts to seniors. table in…


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