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Tommy Robinson is arrested and pepper sprayed during a demonstration against anti-Semitism

Tommy Robinson is arrested and pepper sprayed during a demonstration against anti-Semitism

Robinson – whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – was reportedly arrested by dozens of police officers in central London on Sunday as tens of thousands of demonstrators marched against anti-Semitism. daily Mail.

In photos and videos from the incident, Robinson can be seen being pepper sprayed by police. According to London Police, the substance was used because the 41-year-old resisted as they attempted to handcuff him. They also stated that they warned him against using the spray on repeated occasions.

Tommy Robinson had previously said that he would attend the demonstration as a journalist. The demonstration was the largest against anti-Semitism in London since 1936.

However, organizers warned that Robinson’s presence would disturb participants and make them feel unsafe. When Robinson arrived at the scene, he was seen arguing with officers for approximately ten minutes before he was arrested.

He refused to leave the place

According to police, the arrest was made after Robinson refused to leave the scene. He was asked to do something because, according to police, his presence was likely to cause anxiety among those around him.

For his part, the former leader of the English Defense League announced that he attended the demonstration as a journalist and did not cause any harm or concern to others.

Robinson was previously seen among counter-protesters who clashed with police during the large pro-Palestinian march in London on November 11, which was partly organized by groups with links to Hamas. He is said to have previously expressed support for the anti-Semitism demonstration.

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The police are interrogating

On Platform

Among them is conservative author and journalist Douglas Murray.

“Regardless of what one thinks of Robinson, I find it extremely disturbing that the police and organizers… “Public meetings may prohibit certain individuals from attending public events.”“, writes American journalist Andy Ngo.

Shortly before the arrest, Tommy Robinson interviewed… Rebel News. In that interview, he also accused police of favoring Islamist and pro-Palestinian protesters over others.

Tommy Robinson is a co-founder and former leader of the English Defense League, an ultra-nationalist group involved in numerous violent riots. In 2013, he left the movement and distanced himself from it. He has previously been convicted of several different crimes.

Read also: A British minister criticized the Palestinian demonstrations and is now expelled

Oliver Dagna

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