During his four years as president Donald Trump He is fortunate to be appointed as three judges to the Federal Supreme Court. They were then considered pure lottery winnings.
Trump has managed to turn his luck by appointing three powerful anti-abortion opponents, just as the Christian Right promised.
Little did Trump know that the three conservative justices might still be in good positions on the court in 2024. They might even become essential elements in his political survival.
But the reality is that the nine justices will have a major role in the election results next fall.
The Colorado Supreme Court ruled two weeks ago that, according to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, Trump does not have the right to run for election.
Supreme Court justices do not necessarily want to assume the role of kingmaker, but now they seem to be slipping into it involuntarily.
The first decision the court must make, which includes an urgent timeline, concerns whether Trump should have the right to run in the primary at all.
The Colorado Supreme Court ruled two weeks ago that, according to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, Trump does not have the right to run for election.
The Fourteenth Amendment was approved in 1868 to prevent Southern rebels from continuing to hold important government positions.
Now a Colorado court has ruled Trump after the 2020 election, where he was defeated before Joe BidenHe was guilty of incitement to rebellion when he tried to stay in power through illegal means.
On Thursday, the state of Maine reached the same conclusion. However, the ruling there was made by the state's top politically appointed official in charge of elections.
Jack Smith filed a lawsuit against Trump over attempts to tamper with the election results in the recent elections.
Both Colorado and Maine have chosen to postpone the date on which the decisions become law, in effect giving Trump the opportunity to appeal and effectively put the issue on the Supreme Court's table.
The Supreme Court could choose to decline to take up the issue, but you then risk chaos as the country becomes a patchwork of states with some allowing Trump to run and others not allowing his name on the ballot.
In a powder keg like the United States, it is extremely dangerous to deprive tens of millions of voters of the right to vote for their candidate.
If the justices uphold the Colorado and Maine decisions, that and the other side would mean the justices confirm that Trump is indeed guilty of sedition.
With four ongoing lawsuits against Trump, the justices will certainly want to avoid this situation until the end.
Therefore, the court is likely to hear the case and overturn the decisions of lower courts.
It is possible that the Supreme Court will have to intervene more often than in cases we already know about.
The second major decision the Supreme Court will make concerns the special prosecutor Jack Smiths Impeachment against Trump.
The indictment relates to Trump's attempt to overturn the results of the democratic elections.
The trial is scheduled to begin in March, but Trump's defense lawyers say the former president enjoys immunity from prosecution, while Smith considers this nonsense.
Smith asked the Supreme Court to decide the case before starting a lengthy trial.
If the court finds that Trump, as a former president, does not have immunity from federal prosecution, Smith may continue his lawsuit, which could destroy Trump's chances of winning a second term.
On the other hand, if the court grants Trump immunity, Smith's house of cards will collapse and the prosecution will lose relevance. It could even change state-level charges against Trump in Georgia.
Many have swallowed the rhetoric about how the Justice Department and liberal judges have become weapons in the state apparatus' attempt to silence Trump.
The year 2024 will be a historic year in US history.
Never before has a president sought re-election while accused of serious crimes.
It's entirely possible that his campaign will take place in a courtroom rather than a campaign party.
No one knows for sure how it will turn out in practice. No one knows how voters will behave.
It is possible that the Supreme Court will have to intervene more often than in cases we already know about.
But trust in the judiciary has eroded in recent years, especially among Trump supporters.
Many have swallowed the rhetoric about how the Justice Department and liberal judges have become weapons in the state apparatus' attempt to silence Trump.
The left, in turn, does not particularly trust the Supreme Court. They are particularly upset that judges struck down the right to abortion even though a majority of Americans support it.
Conservative judge Clarence Thomas Suspicions of corruption increased the ambiguity of the court and weakened confidence in the institution, whose members remain in their positions as long as they want without much transparency.
Today, only a little more than a third of Americans trust the court.
This is ominous in a situation where its decision may determine the name of the country's next president.
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