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Véronique Genest in great cash straits: ‘We keep people’

Véronique Genest in great cash straits: ‘We keep people’

Genest Veronique Captured without liquidating his lifestyle, against Jordan de Luxe, on September 27. The actress we know for translating Commissioner Julie Lescott for years along with the late Moussa Diouf has spoken about her financial difficulties. What shocked some Internet users.

guest on a group of Star Play TVShe said: “We’ve had two tough years. A lot of my friends are in total distress. Personally, I’ve had a spare of money. I’ve reached the end of my reserve.”. Before continuing, in more detail: “I have huge expenses… I have my mother in charge in a nursing home, and my ex-wife is in charge. We have a lot of responsibilities, we keep people. Overnight, we can’t tell them to “stop everything”. We also have daily expenses, merchandise, taxes, electricity… Life is complicated.”

Then Jordan de Luxe asked him how much money he would need each month to be comfortable and breathe. “So much… I won’t tell you a number”She replied, assuring that she was not wasteful and that she rarely indulged herself. “For two years I no longer go to restaurants, when I go to the theater I don’t pay, when I buy clothes it’s 30 euros. But I don’t complain! I work for it”Véronique Genest frankly confirmed that we know her.

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