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Visit a lab to search for dark matter.  Are you looking for a sitagaze?

Visit a lab to search for dark matter. Are you looking for a sitagaze?

Something that should be everywhere without us being seen dark matterwhich is said to make up more than 80% of all matter in the universe.

Most researchers around the world research this issue, including those who work at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in the United States. There are ten different laboratories doing different experiments that can only be done a good distance below the surface of the earth.

People from Wired have visited some of these labs where they study dark matter as well as neutrinos and geothermal energy.

SciencesAnd the SearchAnd the

Dark matter, dark energy, wired, universe

Searching for dark matter

How can we find it?

Something that should be everywhere without us seeing it is dark matter, which is said to make up more than 80% of all matter in the universe. In the latest Veritasium video, we’re hanging out at a gold mine in Australia to learn more about experiments currently trying to find evidence of dark matter.


40.4 degrees

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