The battles in the Voice of Germany are in full swing and cause one participant or the other to perspire.
First I picked up Sophie (26) of Sarah Connor (41) team. She wasn’t sweating from excitement, but she was lying flat with a stomachache and headache. Sarah showed her understanding, but nevertheless refused to let her into the fight: “You weren’t quite ready, I was nervous.”
But other talents also faced almost insurmountable obstacles. Syrian Mazen Mohsen, 27, and his companions got a hold of the song “Eyes of Bette Davis” and despaired of the foreign language: “My English is not good. How can I learn this now? I don’t know the lyrics, I don’t know the melody!” But he was not the only one suffering from Problems – Even acting student Jacob (27 years old) couldn’t get along with the song. Coach Mark Forster (38) pityed: “I really panicked with Jacob and Mazen.”
Sophie (left) was in pain and couldn’t make it to the battle roundPhoto: © SAT.1 / ProSieben
but that is not all. There was also an injury from rock singer Udo Lindenberg (75)! Johannes Ording, 39, introduced him to his team. You should practice for the “hard times”. Now Alicia Popat (34 years old) caught the naked fright: “A German song? No! Oh my God! I’ve been in Germany for eight months.” Her classmate Zeynep Afci, 38, had previously sung only in Turkish and sounded similarly desperate.
But Oerding had a surprise ready: He called his friend Udo beforehand and revealed, “I got the approval from Udo Lindenberg. He’s really happy if he hears that in Turkish. He was instantly hooked.” So, Zeynep even wore a night shift to practice a Turkish verse. .
During the rehearsals, Zainab, Alisha and Simon Fetzer (52 years old) were so convincing that Oerding could not bring himself not to let one of them into the fight: “You are further from that. There was no other way. “
After that, the joint performance in the studio gave all the jury members goosebumps and a standing ovation. Alisha sang “During Difficult Times” partly in English and Zeynep in Turkish. Moderator Thore Schölermann (37 years old): “What an idiot version. A song from your friend Odo. It is likely that eggnog has now fallen out of his hand.” Oerding resisted tears: “I am not only proud, I had a little pee in Eyes. ”
A decision had to be made anyway, and Johannes Oerding declared it shortly thereafter: “There is this one button, this imaginary button that gives goosebumps, and it makes me so excited. Someone else did that today, and that’s Zainab.”
She is a part of “Sing Offs” and can hardly believe her luck: “I put all my feelings and emotions into this part. Getting it is the greatest reward I can get.”
“Freelance reader. Passionate internet advocate. Prone to fits of apathy. Pop culture scholar.”
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