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Ostatni wieczór w roku jest okazją do hucznej zabawy. Ze względu na sytuację epidemiologiczną w kraju wielu wybierze jednak tzw. domówki, zamiast imprez organizowanych w lokalach. Do sylwestrowej zabawy warto się przygotować wcześniej. Dla zapominalskich przypominamy – w Sylwestra sklepy otwarte będą krócej.

Where can we shop on New Year’s Day? Until which stores open?

The last evening of the year can be a lot of fun. Due to the epidemic situation in the country, many people choose to invite home parties instead of events organized on campus. Getting ready for New Year’s Eve fun is worth it. For those who are oblivious, we would like to remind you – New Year’s Eve shops will be open for a short time.

If we are preparing a – modest – New Year’s Eve party at home, it is worth preparing in advance. Often, however, when cooking, it turns out that we are missing one of the main ingredients. That’s when we begin to wonder frantically: what time do the shops open on New Year’s Eve?

Whether we go out to see friends or a place for New Year’s Eve parties, it’s worth buying the necessary items, keeping in mind that New Year’s Eve shops are – as a rule – closed.

How will Biedronka open on New Year’s Day? Information on the network’s website shows that Biedronka will be open on New Year’s Day, December 31.

How does Lidl open on New Year’s Day? Lidl, like Biedronka and Auchan, are open from New Year’s Eve to the 19th.

For a while, because until 6pm, the supermarkets are open. Kaufland, Carrefour and NATO.

They are open for a very long time Abka Convenience stores. Most Żabka shops – even on New Year’s Day – are open during their regular working hours, i.e. 6-23. However, in most cases, the opening time of the store depends directly on the wishes of the owner.

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