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Workers may feel betrayed by us – the work

Workers may feel betrayed by us – the work

– There are many questions and thoughts about the fact that the workers of our country have let the Social Democrats down. But it may in fact be the case that the workers, not least the workers, feel that we as a party have let them down, and that is clearly not good.

So said the Secretary of the Social Democrats, Tobias Bodin, on the same day Statistics Sweden released its figures On the party’s support in various social groups.

They show that support for the S among LO members and Labor is stagnant, even though the party is generally growing in the poll. SD support hasn’t changed either.

‘We know we’ve lost support’

When Tobias Bodin has to explain why his party has increased so dramatically, he highlights the failures of this government with campaign promises on low petrol prices and electricity subsidies. But why isn’t it noticed among LO members and workers?

Here, nothing measurable has ever happened since the last measurement in May of this year. Then we must add that there is also no significant increase in S among white-collar workers.

– We know we’ve lost support among the workers and I’m certainly not happy about that. I think it has to do with the fact that people obviously don’t think we’ve had a good policy for workers. So it is clear that we must develop and refine our policy. Workers must be respected in our country hence they must have a good policy.

“I don’t share the picture”

Think tank Katalys believes in its election analysis that you forget working-class voters on the campaign trail and invest in those with a longer education. Was it a conscious choice?

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– number. I don’t share that photo. I have seldom seen a clearer electoral campaign directed specifically at the union members of local organisations.

Tobias Bodin mentions many of these issues raised by his party in the election campaign, such as retirement allowance and pensions.

There was no strategy whatsoever on our part to leave workers and target white-collar workers or the middle class. On the contrary.

Business idea in progress

According to Bowden, it was now a matter of the party having to tighten its politics further and that tougher priorities needed to be set. He also says that politics consists of actual communication and content. So which of the two do you think failed as far as workers are concerned?

– Unfortunately, we have an election campaign behind us that was about purely wallet issues. And not least the many shootings and very high crime in our country. That way, it was an election campaign that wasn’t about the issues we wanted it to be about, he says, adding that despite this, the Social Democrats had their biggest surge in 20 years.

According to himself, his most important task as party secretary is to increase support among workers, not just to “slow down the loss”. Now it comes to policy development. The election analysis will be ready at the beginning of next year.

– In it they will make a number of strategic conditions. Therefore, during this period, we will do policy development work in our party, and it is too early to say how things will go.

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