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A.VOI.V2: New mutant in Africa gives “cause for concern”

A.VOI.V2: New mutant in Africa gives “cause for concern”

In Angola, a new variant of A.VOI.V2, corona, has been discovered, which is of concern. It exhibits more changes than other known mutations. It is not yet clear what effects this will have on infection and vaccination.

The Angola government’s guidance allows for insights into epidemics in Africa. Thanks to the strict rules for testing and isolating air passengers Govit-19Symptoms, experts were able to find a large number of victims, including those with SARS-Cowie-2 type P.1.1.7 As P.1.351. In addition, travelers from Tanzania were accommodated to a previously unknown variant – known as A.VOI.V2. It has more mutations in its genome than any previously discovered virus line.

The team, led by epidemiologist Tulio de Oliveira, said in a previously unpublished publication on metroxy that there were at least 31 mutations in their genes. There are 40 mutations in the new variant, John Enkensang announced at a press conference on April 1, 2021, according to the dpa. “This is definitely a variation of concern.”Said the head of the Africa CDC of the Pan-African Health Commission.

Whether 31 or 40: None of the previous types showed much change. It is therefore not yet adequately researched as to what extent A.VOI.V2 is more contagious than other forms, which leads to particularly severe studies and how vaccines are protected at this time. It is also unclear whether A.VOI.V2 came from Tanzania or whether passengers picked it up at other borders en route to Angola.

A “beautiful mind blowing” invention

In any case, variation on how adaptive the pathogen is. “If you think SARS-Cowie-2 is a slow-growing virus, think again,” epidemiologist Christian Anderson wrote on Twitter. Colleagues’ invention “beautiful mind blowing”.

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Surf Tip: All news about corona infection can be found in the news ticker from Focus Online

According to a previous release, Spike mutations included three alternatives in the receiver bond domain (R346K, T478R and E484K); Five alternatives and three deletions in the N-terminal domain, some of which are within the antigenic supersite (Y144 ?, R246M, SYL247-249? And W258L) 4; And the next two alternatives to the S1 / S2 split site (H655Y and P681H). These mutations are present in many dangerous virus lines and continue to spread under positive selection.

Tanzania’s neighbors’ Nkenkasang of the CDC said there was now a surveillance system in place in Tanzania to investigate the mutation in South Africa. According to the CDC, the highly contagious variant B.1.1.7, first detected in Great Britain, is now found on the continent in 18 countries and the South African variant B. in 18 other countries. There have been more than 40 million trials in Africa since the outbreak. However, a large number of cases may be considered unrecognized or not reported.